To all my dearly beloved brothers and sisters, God is alive and today Friday April 26 2013 we are together again here at our spiritual rendez-vous at the internet radio and in the Voice of God’s broadcasting station. I wish to all from the bottom of my heart God’s grace, His wisdom, His complete spirit to live within us and accompany our lives daily. I also wish for every aspect of His wisdom which leads us to heaven and is all powerful to not only find a home in us but around us, and in the whole of logical creation. The term whole logical creation which Thomas speaks of is everything that God has created in the universe, other planetary systems and life forms that are logical beings but are not necessarily human.
The topic of Thomas’ speech today is: In Christ’s eyes the icons became word, became parables, became moral law, became God’s word, became incorruptible life, and all of these morphed themselves and became the man of God - Christ.
We all know that In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:1-3) As well, the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
My brothers and sisters the heavenly constitution that Christ brought to earth is unique and special. What Christ managed to do in this world (by himself) is quite exceptional, because through Christ, through the son and Word of the living God the everyday life of common people were first icons in His eyes, then these icons became God’s word and later this word became the highest moral law for man which brings to light and to the forefront sincere and unconditional love, unity between us and incorruptible life, elements and characteristics which through Christ appeared to the first disciples and afterwards to many people that followed Him. For those who accepted the Son their lives would fill with wisdom and love. This wisdom and love from Christ has become today man’s highest moral law in all of the logical creation since it improves the quality, quantity and incorruptibility of our lives. This law is found in God’s Word, in the New Testament.
My brothers and sisters, today like never before we have reached ground zero (by this Thomas means that the countdown to zero has ended and we are about to takeoff just like a rocket). The reason the countdown to zero has been reached is because everything that has been written in scriptures can take place today and the reason being is that our world has evolved at all levels. This evolution greatly facilitates our regeneration yet despite progress being achieved, there is only one way in which all that has been written can take place, dedication. With our dedication in our own personal sanctuary, it is absolutely certain that God’s constitution, God’s plan will take shape and evolve in our lives so that with God’s power we become a person of God, a pole of attraction and regeneration for someone who seeks the pure but is entrapped today by life’s concerns, such as the social, religious and political system. This person of God exists today within the universal logical creation and he/she/it is waiting for God who is the beginning, the first and the last, the ultimate. Now let me explain what is meant by a person of God. A person of God is someone who has become like Jesus. He doesn’t have to be Christian, he could be Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish but he would have passed all his spiritual exams, God has entrusted this person with a full dosage of His spirit that gives this person powers similar to God’s. We can become this person by dedicating ourselves to Jesus (as he was the prototype) the Word, studying, and listening to the teachings of the Voice of God.
My brothers and sisters the people of God who are not yet Christian as well as all those who are Christian, can with a pure dialogue in silence, in the sanctuary partake with the living God, and consequently become people with powerful personalities, people with ideals that can utilize the sincere and unconditional love that the Father - God ensured us to change themselves first and then the whole world. Through the person of God things that are written or prophesied can take place because a Christian, a person of God, is not scared of anything or anyone in order to achieve the spiritual energies that are required today for him to imitate his Lord.
We know that He that feareth is not made perfect in love (1 John 4:18). A Christian is an ideal man or woman since his or her principles are not determined by the world that we currently live in which is passing and changing and is wrongfully guided but a Christian is guided by his/her spiritual orientation based on God’s principles which the Father, God, now guarantees to all of us through the Gospel. God is so far removed from people’s vast and diverse egotistical behaviors such as weaknesses, interests or personal ambitions, etc. which today we can see are easily acquired and developed in us by those who are ignorant. Negativity and ego are like gravity, they will draw you to evil. A Christian who is a person of God, is like Christ, he is a light in people’s communities, he is a city built on mountains and the reason being is because a person of god is the example to imitate. A person of God makes the difference and is a strong catalyst for regeneration. He or she is a catalyst because when people see what he or she can do, they will want to change themselves to do the same.
Everyone loves and accepts a person of God - if they are really a person of God - because they see in him/her God working in their every move because they are spreading simplicity, love and life everywhere. A person of God is the world’s perfumery. Nothing can change their personality. A person of God knows when to live in silence, and when to sow in his fellow man God’s divine word, when that person is ready to give energy to man so that the tree of life that exists within everyone can increase. A person of God through Christ is ready to give incorruptible life, eternal life, filled with God’s wisdom when the situation or his fellow men permit. I will give a little example. Think of a person of God as someone who has a PhD in all of Christ’s characteristics. He is well mannered, extremely slow to temper, is loving and soothing in his speech, is uncompromising in his beliefs and ideals in the sense that he cannot be corrupted, bribed. Is someone who can heal you with one word that appeases you or one prayer that removes your sickness. Is someone who will laugh and joke with you never at your expense. Is someone you can trust everything knowing that he/she will always have your best interest at heart. Is someone that you can rely on for anything. He/she can create food if you are hungry (just as Jesus multiplied the bread and the fish). He/she can cause the weather to change (just as Jesus calmed the winds when he was asked in the boat). He/she can raise people from the dead if you have a loved one you really cared for and was sad to see them die. Now tell me who would not want to have this person of God as a friend or be a person of God themselves? For convenience sake I will refer to the person of God as a he.
A person of God also knows how to successfully navigate through negative situations that people encounter today because they use God’s wisdom. Therefore offences which are easily created by the world we live in without our knowledge are not able to touch or affect him. All offences or should I say problematic situations which are given birth to by man’s social system, religious system, and political system today are mastered by the person of god because the regenerative teaching which lives in this person is the only wisdom that governs him. Let me give a quick example: A person of God trains himself to see situations whether they seem positive or negative always as positive because each situation brings with it education that properly applied brings the person of God closer to God. There are many benefits in adopting this philosophy one of them being that we limit anger, frustration, stress, ego, fear etc. The more we limit emotions like these in our being, the less the chance they will remain inside us and we will be able to see a situation less through those emotions. When that happens we leave the doorway for love to enter. We have the temperament to ask God, what are you trying to teach me Lord? A person of God studies this on a daily basis eventually mastering their emotions and this is why he confronts all offences with ease and success (thus protecting and preserving his life) without forgetting to remind himself the verse “and lead us not into temptation”. A person of God is possessed by God’s spirit which gives him wisdom in all things, always insisting and pleading, I will repeat it again, “and lead us not into temptation.” In other words a person of God does not seek temptation, does not seek for things that will disturb their peace.
My brothers and sisters, thinking about the past, living the present and seeing the future, I have come to understand today that we can be hopeful and the reason is that our future with Christ is looking bright, and godly and I am absolutely sure that it is beginning to take place in us through our individual judgement which will become general (which is to say that everyone eventually will judge themselves). It is absolutely certain that God has started to live within us today despite the fact that there are many negative voices that are creating confusion in societies. The reason that I believe that the world will become more godly, and bright is because God the Father took care through his Son to open new spiritual paths that will bring us back to becoming logical human beings back onto God’s principles. These principles evolve a person spiritually and lead the person of God to godliness through God’s love and wisdom so that we can live together eternally without corruption with Christ.
God’s goal as well as ours today is to abandon error and sin. Sin did not only bring death to all the human race but it also disrupts human societies, where it can lead them to a dead end. God throughout history has used the good and the bad to guide and evolve man’s renaissance. Within these two elements, regeneration is created which creates man’s godliness. For the person of God everything works for the good and pure because the person of God studies and learns from everything.
My brothers and sisters let us live with uninterrupted spiritual intensity studying daily God’s principles with the aim and purpose to become part of God’s family. This family which we seek will play a decisive role in fulfilling the remaining promises. These remaining promises include but are not limited to the abolishing of sin on earth, the resurrection of the dead, the establishment of God’s kingdom here on earth. God needs people to do this. He wants people who from their own free will want to see God’s Kingdom established here on earth. This is why he needs what Thomas calls people of God. This is why in every obstacle that we encounter let us not get discouraged. Many times we hear a number of things that, due to our lack of spiritual education or training or our ignorance, and our spiritual indifference, take us away from ourselves and from our goal. Nevertheless we will continue the good struggle that God inspired in us under all circumstances.
Let’s understand that our goal from within the depths of our soul is to grow God’s will within us, For God’s will to become our own will and that God's will must always be current and updated in our lives. Under all circumstances, let us work the good. Many times we know within our heart that we must live, our logic imposes an unreasonable logic which does not stem from love but from our evil ego through the allegiance of lies which have influenced and affected our own life. Here we are all called to insist upon a daily communication with God’s Word. My brothers and sisters let us live each moment spiritually, always in God and let us conduct ourselves in every effort that we take with God’s spirit so that we may become examples for others to imitate, always keeping peace and God within us. At the present moment if we lose a certain battle, let us not despair. It is written, the apostle Paul revealed, I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. (Romans 7:23) but in continuing his struggle (to become pure) he later said, in Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
My brothers and sisters it can be seen that when we behave ourselves according to God’s will, His righteousness will become our truth, this righteousness stems from God’s wisdom and it gets created and increases from our developed humility that God assures us for humility promises zero power. In other words when we are humble we make ourselves aware that we have zero power or influence. Only with zero power will our spiritual work become for us a soaring eagle that will guide and determine our relationship with God the Father to a relationship of truth, an eternal relationship, a relationship with life, a relationship of teamwork and cooperation, a relationship full of spiritual activity, a relationship of trust.
Whenever I speak of God, I get emotional and many times I tear because I understand how real He is and how much He really cares for the salvation of the soul and of the body of all people regardless of their race, nation or religion. I wish today where the human race is living and experiencing the most developed advancements in the history of mankind, that whoever is around us understands what we in the Voice of God are trying to develop and evolve in our modern world, which has the means but does not have Christ’s love. I wish for all of us to find the time to potentially partake in the spiritual aspirations of the Voice of God with the intent for all of us to partake through Christ, His Glory, His life and lastly His love which we know is directed towards every fellow man, friend and enemy. God’s love today must become an unshakeable form of Government and must also become global.
The Lord from His mouth which cannot lie, revealed what we also know through the Holy Spirit that He is with us at every moment and His goal is to bring man close to Him. It is written, in 1 Timothy 2:4, Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. This of course is always through everyone’s free will. Until that which has been written takes place, God the Father can be found with us, first in our mind, then through His word and later on through the Holy Spirit. He is always near us, in our struggles since He inspired all of us to seek His principles. In Matthew 28:20 the Lord says, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen and then in John 14:18-19 the Lord also says, I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world will see me no more; but you will see me. Because I live, you will live also. Either we believe this and we serve it by being in silence which creates regeneration in our personal sanctuaries or we chose not to believe and we find ourselves in conflict or in confusion with ourselves, with our fellow man, with God, and with the whole worldly system which the only good thing that it knows is to destroy the foundation of life with judgement (ie. criticism) and division, may it not be.
My brothers and sisters, God’s wisdom is to be used to defeat our other evil self. It is our evil self that puts us in danger, it is our only enemy. It is unwise to let our evil self defeat us. There are two ways it can defeat us:
- Ignorance of God’s word (this will set defeat) and
- God’s Wisdom (this will set the victory)
Our decision to become people of God and have knowledge of God’s will, will ensure us victory.
My brothers and sisters, taking into account and making use of the experiences of spiritual people from the bible, the most important of all being our Christ, since in His name all the prophecies and promises are being fulfilled, our spiritual research will save us because this research entails spiritual evolution and development for our benefit and rids us of unpleasant situations that are created by this worldly system which touch upon every person.
My beloved brothers and sisters, God the Father who created this fantastic world, also placed in this world people with love as well as the law of love so as to protect it from the partial or total destruction caused by the mismanagement of people who were and are not regenerated.
Jesus shared open handedly this love with His words and with His actions. The same God through His son, did not just talk about love but He manifested it in Jesus’ life, He materialized His words, He lived them in His own life by serving His Father’s Holy Word, His Father’s love with dignity resulting into the culmination of a wisdom that man on earth had never experienced before since Christ’s love was directed also towards his enemies saying upon the cross where His soul was leaving His body, in Luke 23:24 "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." We have many who are first Christ’s enemies and today they are His disciples. Christ’s love gave birth to saints. Through His sacrifice, His word, through our Lord we see manifested the most developed or mature form of love on our planet which “shook up” and also “shifted” minds so that they can grow and advance in His wisdom. Christ’s love is a stimulus for great works when we are united in our relationships. Christ’s love has become a song, a hymn, an icon, it has become an example to imitate, it became a postcard, it became literature, it became wisdom, it became and becomes a strong stimulus to whomever Christ is revealed to. Love is a stimulus for great excesses which can through faith even abolish death.
In the coming days we will celebrate Easter which means passage. Passage for all of us means to leave from sin and live with holiness, to leave from corruption and to live incorruptibility, to leave from death and to live holiness, to leave from death and move into Christ’s life. My brothers and sisters, Christ through the love that He revealed since He materialized it in his life - and which today He increases in our life through the holy spirit, indeed today since the fullness of time is upon us, Christ transfers through His Word all His characteristics to all of us. Today God’s word is made into flesh in our lives - it became a Son pleasing to God the Father. The Son has won over God the Father who came down to earth for the sake of the Son.
The Father Himself came to earth. The Father Himself came and revealed to all those who were around Christ as well as through the Holy Spirit to all those who were far from Him that He (the Christ) is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!" He says in (Matthew 17:5). Thousands, millions of years prior, the Father, God Himself had not come to earth. He may have sent prophets to prepare the field but He Himself had not come (except I guess with Moses in the burning bush). Christ my brothers and sisters was the only reason for the Father to come to earth and for the whole planet to be saved for His sake.
We all witnessed through God’s Word, the Father living in the Son. The Father was working through the Son. This Father through the Son revealed His works. Without Christ, man would not have lived anything. One day one of the disciples, Philip said to the Lord, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us." (John 14:8) and the Lord replied with simple, true words, "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? (John 14:9).
Love as a word existed, people knew of this word but not of its form or substance. People knew that love hid something good, but no one could have given it this form and the value that the Lord had given it. Never had love been spoken of in this manner as well, neither had love’s presence provoked such a large noise. Christ’s love changed the world, and all this was accomplished by one person, Christ. Imagine now if many people got together, what they can do and make happen!
If love had not taken shape or made into flesh, the world would of been permanently running with the law of the jungle “where the strongest would continually persecute and always prevail over the weak.” The law of love created civilizations, brought forth rights, wrote books, developed other life conditions. Christ’s love filled the world with wisdom. All of this set up propagated democracy as a system of government. Love even imposed in the most fanatical people’s conscious the concept of religious tolerance. Love defined and outlined human rights. Love has millions of derivatives. Today love has instilled unwavering principles in our societies and love has become the foundation for eternal constitutions which have created our modern world. All of these although they seem great I can assure you are just the beginnings of love. It is the first ray of sunshine that shows up in the morning and hits the planet. All of this springs out of Christ’s love. Our complete love in Christ will bring God to earth. His work continues today through the Holy Spirit until the human race can travel eternally in the direction of the living God.
Although we have made progress, what is really strange is that two thousand years have passed and a regime based on lies and lying remains and this continues to fuel our human societies, since it is these principles based on the lies that continue to disrupt societies today with various scandals that are generated by this human system such as self interests, ambitions, wickedness, judgements, criticisms, evil speakings etc., Christ’s love though has come today, it is with us again, next to us and it enters in us along with all its characteristics and its fruits.
Love’s attributes are transferred and poured out today to all those who understand and want to partake of Christ. The time has come for Christ to eliminate all the pettiness in people by making His presence on earth through the person of God who is governed by God’s spirit. Unfortunately there are those still today for whom a little power and some financial gain have become an obstacle to Christ’s love preventing it from becoming the global political system of the present world. Those who serve personal interests are responsible for the pettiness of this world. Those who work for personal gain and not for common good, have become a small and in large part the reason why love and God’s righteousness (which always offers) to be left behind apart from their lives but also creating the obstacle that prevented God’s will to become present in human societies. As a result man on this planet is left behind serving the lie, corruption, sickness, and death. It would be good today for those who are in control, whether it be leaders, political heads, executives etc. for them to become simple and righteous, because having studied God, they understand what has to be done for God’s love to come into our world.
If people cannot become righteous despite all the admonitions (and here admonitions we mean by hearing good advise or counsel or even warnings) then let us become righteous so that the power can come to the person of God. My brothers and sisters, unfortunately for the human race, the elements of lying are still present in society. If we on the one hand speak of civilization, for progress, for human rights, for the formal religion being Christianity, and if we speak of Christ, He still remains inapplicable to most people and the reason being is that ego and judgment do not cease in the Christian mind. Today unfortunately we are “toying” around with religions, doctrines, self interests, personal ambitions etc. Unfortunately the same system which created sin after the fall of Adam and Eve - who transmitted this sin through childbearing - continues to exist until today and it seems like there is no way out. But let us not lose hope because God is working again today through the Holy Spirit, through the Comforter and it is but a matter of time that He will reveal His glory to those who receive the calling today. My brothers and sisters, if Christ does not live in Christians then there is not going to be a solution that the human race has been seeking now for centuries. Although Christ has come to earth, (to fix it) the system continues to serve and support the lie since it is governed by hypocrisy. Unfortunately this system or shall we call it a game of personal interests working through hypocrisy or in the form of godliness (or looking religious) work like snakes. The hypocrite and those who are governed by this form of godliness resemble snakes that change their skin yet they remain always as snakes.
If one or many people don’t understand Christ’s truth, they will remain as snakes and no matter how much skin they change they will not be able to become someone else. Whoever has not understood God’s Word and the manner in which God guided him to live, will not be able to change. Let us not live like snakes but as Christ who was, is now and will be the only logical person and God. Let us have hope though for those who resemble snakes today, because we were also snakes before Christ called us. Everything and everyone could be blessed if we come to Him because "What is impossible for people is possible with God." (Luke 18:27). Since we have changed everyone will change.
My brothers and sisters, it is absolutely certain that if we get to know Christ as He is, everything will work differently. Who is Christ? Let us know Christ so that we can imitate Him and understand what we want to serve today when we say that we are following Christ, when we say that we believe Him. What do we mean?
First we must realize and understand that Christ revealed the most appropriate and the most complete moral law through simplicity. Everyone approves of the Gospel’s moral law. Everyone, everywhere accepts Christ regardless of nation, race or people. All people found throughout the planet along with those who do not believe, respect and accept Christ, the God of the Christians - it would be good for Christians to love Him not only with words but with works of love. This is a great miracle because we Christians can change the world if we can resemble Him.
I absolutely believe that we Christians are responsible for the world, especially the Greek people since God’s Word was written in the Greek language. Only a few generations have passed and the world today accepts Christ’s wisdom. Even most unbelievers accept the Gospel’s moral law. Christ by Himself, without money in His pocket, without any material property or estate, without any worldly education (He didn’t start let alone finish any university), without friends in “key” places as we say sometimes for you to succeed you need the right people. Without donors or sponsors, Christ captured the world.
Everyone bows to Him for one reason and that is because of the love that he brought and showed. The love that He served during His whole life on earth, He riveted everyone. This is what it means to be a man of God, (a person of God). Christ with His presence caused radical changes (with His own life) and with His presence: judgement, repentance and regeneration started. Through personal judgement that which is written will take place. Today this personal judgement through the Voice of God has become world wide so that people may awaken and understand that the main source of their problems is not outside of them but in them. The devil is the one who hides behind everyone and is always working. This personal judgement that we make will bring God to earth. Christ with His words and His works continues to judge and save human lives which have been led to a dead end. Regeneration, and personal judgement will continue until the world becomes love. Allow me the opportunity to show an example of personal judgement. Christ is sitting with His disciples and the Scribes along with the Pharisees bring along a woman who is caught in adultery. They know that by law the punishment is death by stoning. They ask Christ what he thinks in order to trick Him but how does He respond? He who has committed no sin can throw the first stone. The elders (being the wisest) understood what Jesus was saying and they were the first to drop the stones from their hands because they knew that no one is without sin. They probably analyzed their lives and realized that they too had committed sins. Here came a moment of personal judgement. Christ taught these potential rock throwers what it means to acknowledge your own sin, and to forgive others for their sin instead of being like snakes were they would act like they had no sin and condemn others instead.
I have stated that there are a lot of Christians today but a person of God though with all of God’s characteristics, full of the Holy Spirit hardly exists, when he/she will come forth everyone will see. The Voice of God has this one revelation, and it is that a person of God can be created if a person enters into their sanctuary today so that through regeneration, sanctification or (holiness) may come and this person can become a god. It is written in 1 Peter 1:16 "Be holy, because I am holy." To the person therefore who spends the time in their sanctuary, there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This outpouring will help the person complete the spiritual reforms that they will need for themselves as well as for the rest of our world so that they may be complete on God’s principles. Christ with what He said, caused judgement to conform and regenerate mankind and our personal relationships, He calls for us to become one, in John 17:11 Jesus says, Holy Father, keep through Your name those which You have given Me, that they may be one just as We are. It is an evangelistic demand, to be as we are. Moreover in John 13:35 Jesus says, By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." Christ speaks to everyone, He addresses everyone especially to those who call themselves Christians, and it is in our interest to listen to Him since His words and His works lead us to heaven. They fill us with God’s wisdom and they remain forever. For centuries now, these words and works have protected and passed on this knowledge to our generation. God’s wisdom has crossed through centuries and it is still applicable and valid again today in front of us. What is this Godly wisdom, let’s take a look.
To whom for example does it not “sit” well, where it says
- in Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
- For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. (Matthew 7:2)
- So give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's. (In Matthew 22:21)
- A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Luke 6:45
- For many are called, but few chosen. Matthew 22:14
- The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41
- Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
- Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
- So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” Matthew 20:16
- 10) Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Matthew 7:1
- 11)Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. (Mark 12:30-31)
- 12)Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead. (Matthew 8:22)
- 13)If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Matthew 17:20
- 14)I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this? He asks us in John 11:25-26.
There are countless sayings that came from our Holy God and Father. All of the Lord’s teachings are simple and they appeal to simple people. Indeed it was created and developed by images that each person encounters in their everyday life. The reason why God, our Lord used simple images which He made into words and these words took on flesh is one, to make people understand the actions that each person needs to take in order to participate in the real and tangible incorruptible life.
Christ came as a man in the world to give all people the courage to fulfill God’s law. Through the Word, images developed, they became parables which conceal infinite Godly wisdom, and the reason why they hide their meaning is because God wanted their meaning to be understood first by simple people whom God believed would be able to understand and that is what happened. The parables are creations that are based on images from the works of many simple people. These works stem from their everyday lives for example: the farmer sowing seeds, I am the vineyard and my Father is the vinedresser, the harvesting, the wicked and good workers, the shepherd, the sheep, the merchant, the drachma (meaning the money), the prodigal son, the good Samaritan, wealth, arrogance, ego, hypocrisy, the fool, etc.,
Through everyday events came forth the most moral (and pure) law because Christ was simple and He always positively observed simple people from whom I repeat He created the most moral and pure law in the world. God’s law is simple and it has the power to break down the evil ego that has developed between us and against God, something that we have forgotten because of the lucrativeness of physical matter and possessions. Unfortunately we have forgotten God’s Word and we have become captious (faultfinding, difficult to please), filled with evil elements. God takes rest and reveals Himself to people with simple hearts. Let us be simple like children. It is written, in Matthew 18:3 unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Let us look at a dialogue filled with wisdom between Christ and a person with a childlike spirit that was affected by the world and had lost her path. One day the Lord met with a Samaritan lady at a well and through a small dialogue carried out between them came out the culmination of the whole spiritual mystery that reveals the greatness of God’s character. What did the Lord tell this lady and revealed to her and through her to the whole human race? That God is a spirit and the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to be his worshipers in John 4:23.
You cannot confine or restrict the spirit as it is the personality of the Lord himself. You cannot control a spirit so that you can impose it to live in a place, in a country, in a person and this can be proven because today we see this spirit working in many people who comprehend progress, regeneration, love. God exists and can be found in all logical thought found in every person and God makes His presence everywhere. God’s wisdom can be found in whoever practices the good and the pure, His wisdom can be found in love without seeing a Christian (as a Catholic or Orthodox or Protestant) a Muslim, a Hindu, a believer, a non-believer, an atheist etc. Just like God, the devil is also a spirit and makes his appearance to the whole world but the strange thing is that it is mainly religious fanatics that accept the fact that the Devil is everywhere in the whole world - this is accepted by all people including Christians and they also preach it - yet the fact that God is present everywhere also they do not accept it because they are always boasting and saying that only in their doctrine, in their religion, church or organisation is God present yet it is proven that God’s wisdom makes itself present everywhere. Let us understand that God resides only in him who comprehends universal love and humbleness which is served by the person of God, who ends up having no power since he empties himself of his will and wants. He gives all the power to God.
Incorruptible life will come from this person of God who comprehends God today completely because when God encounters His own characteristics in one or many people, He increases them so that they may live inside that person. He increases them without measure - especially today that the fullness of time is upon us, we will see great miracles from the people of God. Our decision, our truth and our sincerity will determine the measure of God’s spirit that will be in us. God’s Word states in John 3:8 that The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
This Spirit regenerates a person, it develops and leads him into becoming an elected vessel in society in order to play a positive role in the world’s events and its evolution. We all have things to give which we acquired from God so that all these pure elements like love, joy, happiness, empathy, etc. can be gathered and become a stimulus for regeneration for all of us. Whoever restricts or confines God to one nation, to one church, to one organisation does so for the purpose of serving their own personal interests. Moreover I have said that God gave special yet particular forms of wisdom to each person, people or nations so that they may all have need and use of each other. Christ has taught us that our enemies my brothers and sisters, are not outside of ourselves but within us and more precisely they are lack of knowledge, ignorance, bodily corruption, sin, death, ego, fanaticism, existing stereotypes, the abuse or poor management of power etc. Elements that are universally negative to the lives of those who serve them. Sin increases within us from the wrongful management of things we perceive and that live in us and around us, either physical or spiritual. Is the material therefore at fault for the inhuman conduct of a supposedly logical person? Is money to blame? Is education to blame? Is progress to be blamed for the loneliness that governs man today, for the sin that he serves, for the error, for the power which he abuses or mismanages? No, none of these are to blame. Ego is to blame, lack of knowledge, personal interests, the greed that governs people, bad management, our removal from God. Unfortunately thinking in this manner distorts the majority of peoples’ supposedly logical way of thinking and makes it become evil.
Our misconduct in managing the things that have been given to us by God is to blame, and today we are called to change the way we think of the material element and the spiritual one, since our life depends on it. According to God's Word, it is not possible for a man to love the material more that God who gave it, nor is it logical to store the material when your friend, or your brother lacks the essentials, or to act like you do not see and I do not mean to share it with someone who will not appreciate it. There is a lot of love present when you give but God’s wisdom is required in how you will use the physical or spiritual element to him that does not appreciate God, who has not understood what life means. Caution is required. It is good though to share of our life easily and effortlessly, as well as our love to whomever lives with God. The first Christians shared everything, nobody lacked. This is why the Father gave us the physical element as well as the spiritual so that we can manage it properly with one purpose, to share it fairly. This will bring a lot of blessing.
Every thinking and logical person must give love. If he does not have the strength to do so, let him ask for strength and willingness from God the Father who has love without measure and the Father can lend to us at the beginning of our spiritual life until He teaches us how to live with love, until we become love. The man of God is required to properly administer the material and spiritual matter, with love, without the slightest display of power. Is it possible for someone who does not share love to be accepted by God? It cannot be done. God cannot change His law for anyone. God’s love will simply call the poor manager to change his way of life. If this person does not understand this then sooner or later death will come and whatever he possesses will pass on to strange hands whether he wants it or not. Without God, there is no materially or spiritually rich person that ever lived happily.
Every rich person has ended up with a lot of problems and indeed for most of them to have gotten rich they have caused millions to suffer. It is certain that God does not want and neither does the man of God want earthly riches and this is why he does not work for it. O man is it possible that through your greed you have caused everyone around you to die for you to be well? As much as you don’t want to see it and no matter how much you want to put it behind you, you will never be able to. Your greed, your ego, and your guilt will always live in your conscious - this is true for even the most thoughtless and offensive evil person especially at his time of death.
If we want to partake of God, let us begin by making all those around us happy, and it is not necessary that we give them all that we have, an apology, or a good word is enough. If you make others happy, you will be happy, this is God’s Law, with whatever judgement you judge, you will be judged. Let us not insist on wanting others around us to always listen to us and subjugate themselves to us. Let us pay attention to them, let us listen to them, let us love them as they are because it is proven that if you live this short life with ego, without love, without listening because you consider yourself wise, the time will come where you will see it as an evil - egotistical mistake. The time is coming where you will understand especially if you have a little God in you.
Life’s situations will make you see it sooner or later because him whom you criticize today, tomorrow may be your supporter, he who will serve you. If God’s Spirit is within you, you will really want to change - your old bad self. When you change, when Christ lives within you, you really want to give love, this is why we have many donors, who when they understood the error - the mistake, when they understood what Christ means, they changed radically and they tried to correct the mistake.
There are many who in the time of ignorance pillaged other people’s happiness so that they can be happy but they themselves could not be happy, yet there are also many others with one preaching of God, God the Father made them supporters and helpers of many. The person who encounters God has a change of logic, or wisdom or call it outlook on life because this logic becomes God’s logic. God’s logic reveals that if you remember your brother having something against you then go and reconcile with him and then come and I will reconcile also with you. It is written, in Matthew 5:23-24 “If therefore you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Life and God’s love have difficulty reaching you when you are offended against your brother.
It is written, because you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. In other words if you don’t love your brother, your friend, your fellow man or even your enemy how is it possible for you to love God? Besides, how is it possible for you to love God who you do not see and your brother who is next to you the one time that he offers you something, you judge him? We must love everyone. The people of this world unfortunately find themselves unhappy at every moment and then express their complaints by spreading them out in all directions with many judgements, criticisms and bad mouthing. This also shows a lack of love towards God but also to man. With the logic or way of thinking that they have, they voice complaints even to the Creator himself. Every time you hear them saying, “God does not listen to me” and they could not understand how they themselves don’t listen to God and that they attack Him every day by saying that He made everything wrong. Has the time come perhaps for us to listen to what the Father has to say and leave the pettiness? Has the time come perhaps for us to reconcile with Him so that we can live again with our brother and even with our enemy. Why did we close in so much to ourselves, do we like loneliness? We know that God in only one instance does He not listen to one or many. It is written, in John 9:31: We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will. God the Father commanded through the prophet, in Isaiah 1:16-17 Wash yourselves, make yourself clean. Put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes. Cease to do evil. 17 Learn to do well. Seek justice. Relieve the oppressed. Judge the fatherless. Plead for the widow.” “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord. For God, only he who implements and teaches becomes liked, becomes a friend, becomes God’s partner. Therefore he who feels that God is not listening to him, let him seek to find the mistake he is making that keeps God away from his life.
My brothers and sisters, God’s words have a timeless, eternal wisdom and are always current - that is to say applicable today - and it is these words that can create a world in paradise and they will do just that. Christ did not give his life simply so we can make him a theatrical showpiece. Besides it is not just by luck that the Word has traversed through centuries and is more valid and applicable today. All that is needed is for God’s Word to become understood and adopted. Whoever does not care will regret it because the opportunity was given yet they themselves hardened themselves to the calling, may it not be. For what reason should we ignore God’s Word? Don’t we see in the mirror that bodily decay and corruption increases, don’t we see that sicknesses and pains in the body are multiplying? Don’t we see death coming, it is approaching and it is just a matter of time, that it knocks on our door? May it not be. When will we ever exist on earth again? Today that we have the time let’s gather up the imperishable treasure, let’s gather God’s logic and wisdom and let us give love. What excuse will we find when we find ourselves at Christ’s footstep and He tell us, “Who are you? I don’t know you”. Has the time come perhaps my brothers and sisters for us to adopt God’s words so that we may live with Him? In the past due to the fact that the people had a low spiritual level, people’s behaviour was justified, today though, Christianity can function and create societies of love. In the past Christianity was persecuted by people and the reason is that those who were in power and ruled the world did not want their fellow man (those around them) to wake up because they wanted all the physical matter and wealth to themselves and they also wanted the people divided so that they can have power over them for their own benefit. As such they thought of hiding (artfully) God’s moral law - which leads to life - and present human commandments as God’s will, this included, religions, doctrines, etc. so that they can manipulate people, elements that still remain in our societies today.
We have all heard the parable where God placed workers to serve and work in the vineyard, and when the time came to give of its fruits they did not want to give them but to take them as their own. This was done by all who did not serve God’s righteousness and this is what they continue to do. God’s righteousness is to offer - people’s righteousness is to demand. This was done and is being done by all those who wish to serve and ensure their own financial well being. The time has come though for us to become one with God and with each other. Besides, till when will we give the right to a few to disrupt the lives of so many? I oftentimes hear preachings from people who are so far removed from God yet they think that they are the chosen ones, because they discovered and created their own doctrines. Unfortunately the only thing they accomplished is to complicate love to the point that it can never be achieved even amongst Christians and the reason being is that day and night they judge, (one Christian judges the other). They present theories that are so strange, that I believe not even Christ would understand them. Naturally they are ready to defend their theories, their religion, their doctrine even with ruthless wars - you would think that they never even read the Gospel of Christ.
Two world wars that started from Europe referenced Christ. It is so simple for all of us to live in love especially today where Christianity is a lawful religion. Why is there so much pain, so many tears, so much misery, so much poverty, so much evil ego, so much arrogance, so much division? Unfortunately a few have managed to put everyone in a system where everyone is running - of course many are to blame because they are indifferent about God - nowhere do we find minds thinking of God, of truth, of life and of love. The world has filled with philosophies about God and about man: what he should eat, how much he should sleep, what horoscope sign she is, what he should drink, when should he eat, how much should he eat, which proteins should he take, what night cream he should apply, what day cream to put on so he could look bright, “boiled zucchini” as the world says and all this is for him to live. Boiled zucchini is just Thomas’ kind way of saying baloney. Of course for all these theories to be understood - which Christ never and really never taught - require another 5 philosophers to decipher and interpret the philosophies of what the first person said. Christ taught that the spirit restores life. Which spirit? His own spirit. We are filled up with books to figure out what? The self -evident, that love between us takes shape when it is implemented, when it is shared? This is the only way to multiply love, life, wisdom, happiness, enthusiasm, God in us and around us.
Love was presented by Christ and found a home in many who imitated Him, granting them happiness, euphoria, wisdom, life - love was also found through the Word, it was delivered with simplicity, to do onto others what you would want done to you - at every moment this gave great mercy. Mercy reveals love that we have for God and for our brother, and eventually acquiring the fruits of the Holy Spirit such as love, happiness, peace, long suffering, goodness, purity, faith, humbleness, self control, and also gifts, and signs of the Holy Spirit along with God like characteristics. These should be the rings on our fingers, our sapphires, our wardrobe, these should be our comforter and our investment in our life. These are what we should seek until we acquire it in our lives, because these are the real investments. Christianity will never succeed if the works of love disappear from Christian thinking. I once heard a person who spoke of the Lord’s work and I doubt if anyone understood anything that he said - indeed even he himself probably had not understood - everyone got confused. Most people use words simply to “have what to say”. They decipher and research everything so that they can act like they know. People today are researching the natural world, the spiritual world simply just to philosophize. People want to live within what they researched, without Christ. All of that person’s speech was written in a way as to condemn all those who were outside of his doctrine (or sect). In a two hour speech he forgot to show at least with his words: love. In his whole speech he forgot don’t judge so that you won’t be judged. It was not to his benefit either to speak of love because he would have been rejected by his peers if he embraced everyone and stated that everyone was our brother. In order then to be liked by a few- his peers, he lost many including God. How? By justifying his dogma and criticizing all the others. That ego has no end. Everyone day-night unfortunately judges - one is a heretic the other a heretic, one is a sinner, the other is a sinner and there is no end to this job - thinking that in this manner they will be justified in the eyes of God. God did not ask “that we hunt” after who is wrong. Christ commanded, in Matthew 7:5 first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Can’t we see that everyone will come to the same end? Conflicts everywhere, illnesses everywhere, death everywhere. I remember once someone blaming Catholics and he had many health problems and I told him, “do you know that the pills you are taking are made by Catholics? Why do you take them?” Everyone fabricates God according to their measure. Instead of having love we are divided by pettiness.
My brothers and sisters, let us be spiritually serious. If we believe that God is Holy, let us be holy. If we believe that God is just, let’s be just. If we believe that God is incorruptible life, let us be incorruptible life. If we believe that God is love, let us be love. If we believe that God serves the truth, let us also serve. If we believe that God recommended for us not to be teachers but friends, let us all be friends. If we believe in God, let us leave from the words that describe God and begin to live godly works so that these may inhabit in us from today so that they may inhabit the planet afterwards. My brothers and sisters let us seek after love which has no hypocrisy, let us ask for God’s love in our mutual relationships, this is in our interest. God’s love can knock down every dividing wall of hatred that has been set between us and also against God. God bows down to love. Wherever God sees love he comes and meets with the person who serves love. Only those who serve His love will have His presence in their lives. My brothers and sisters from this day onwards, our goal will be: To demonstrate Christ’s love with our works and our words and move away from evil demonstrations and aspirations about God which have been tried and the only thing they achieve is to disrupt the world. We constantly hear people, young and old, rich and poor, educated and not, having a strange way of thinking which only breeds hatred, which has no love since they say, “My god, let me win the lottery so that I will not have need of anyone”. Is that a brain? Instead of each one of us saying “let me win the lottery so I can help 10, 20, 30 families” he says, “so I can have need of no one”. In other words, he wants to win the lottery or become a big public figure, to be someone that will guarantee him 100 percent in losing his friends and living continually by himself hidden from everyone and everything as he becomes suspicious and understands that everyone wants his company because he has money, and this is how he gains ultimate loneliness. He forgot what the lord said, in John 13:35 "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
Have you not seen my child, those who have money when they don’t have Christ how they behave, and whom you now mock, you judge and get angry with them and you condemn them because of their conduct? Why do you want to become someone who you now condemn? If money would have brought happiness then Christ coming in this world would have given out dollars or would have said, “play games of chance like gambling, or make investments”. Have we have not read in Matthew 6:34 where he says therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. When Christ came into this world, he didn’t give out dollars but love and life, through this He became God in everyone’s conscious. When a rich person goes somewhere, he has with him some followers, some advisers who are also flatterers (or we can say brown nosers) since they live off him and they will never cease wanting to steal from him. Despite that, he has paid friends that are not real friends. Christ and the person of God also with love, has millions of friends today, who would give their lives for Him, (and amongst them one supports the other). When Christ my brothers and sisters - for us to understand what love means - makes His presence, the whole planet will bow to Him.
Let us leave the lie and let us live in truth today that we have the time. It is written, in 2nd Corinthians 6:2 behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. Christ Himself revealed in Luke 12:15 for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth and in Mark 10:24 it says, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! This trust in riches is not only held by those who are materially rich but also by those who have a salary, a paycheck since they believe that if they lose it, they will lose themselves, they will die. Faith and trust that God is with them today in their lives but tomorrow will be nowhere to be found. Money and all physical matter were given to us for us to give love because through works of love we will create the character of Christ so that we can always share love. This is our opportunity (today that we are alive). To manage the physical matter with love.
Whoever believes in money and depends on it, they cannot have life since they close themselves in and reject everyone and everything. They do this because they think that whoever keeps company with them, they are doing so because they want their money and rightfully so. There are exceptions, if God wills it, He can have a person of God enter into the rich person’s life. A person of God does not want your money. A person of God, since God has sent him in your life, wants to help you escape from Hades because if you live hell today, you will be living the same hell eternally after your death, may it not be! I wish for Christ’s love to prevent all of us from this path. When Christ encountered someone with money, what did He say to him? We see in Matthew 19:21 “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” Christ did not want his disciple’s love to be shared. No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Today we see spiritual leaders who invest money and Christians investing and having assets in banks which they exploit, not for the good of mankind but for the good of the church. There are huge fortunes held by different religious sects in real estate and in money yet their followers are poor as if the church and the person are not the same but two different entities. A person of god should not have money, if he does, if some people give it to him then he can manage it with love predominantly for God’s good in the world. I questioned Thomas over what he meant that a person of God should not have money. He stated that if someone had money then great but if you had to break down the amount of time that you spent to acquire this money in relation to what you spent in your sanctuary studying God, there should not be a large discrepancy. In other words, if your work or business make you money then it is a blessing but try to spend as much time or more to acquire God’s spirit.
God Himself revealed, in Luke 16:9, make for yourselves friends by means of unrighteous mammon. In other words, today that you are able, give love. God wants us to build within us the paradise we can conceive. Paradise is to have in my thoughts and in my life that which I love - like God the Father - and to do what is needed in order to attain it. I say it is even worth dedicating your whole life in order to win over God. Hell is the distance that exists between what I want and what I love (God the Father) and not knowing how to bring it into my life. With patience though and with persistence, God will come and will give us blessings and whatever we have need of. My brothers and sisters, the Lord revealed in Matthew 18:3, Most certainly I tell you, unless you turn, and become as little children, you will in no way enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Children do not gather up things, they are careless because they have a father who takes care of their needs. This is how a person of God is also, he does not care or worry because the Father will take care of him. It is written, in Matthew 6:26, See the birds of the sky, that they don’t sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns. Your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you of much more value than they?
Children share, children embrace everyone, children forgive easily, children don’t work on doing bad. Why do we seek to live by becoming greedy? Have we not heard in John 6:63 that it is the spirit who gives life and grows our faith, love and life? Why should we lose our time day and night with what one thing costs, what the other costs, how much do you earn, how much does the other earn, what insurance do you have or the other person have? One says, “I have IKA insurance”, the other person says, “I have state insurance”, the other says “I have private insurance”. Have you seen anyone who is insured that is saved or has security? Only Christ brings security and health since His spirit is life giving. Everyone unfortunately - who doesn’t have Christ living in them - is not insured, and suddenly destruction comes. Let us get insured in Christ. Let me give a personal example of this. I take a lot of my time to translate Thomas’ speeches from Greek into English. The reason I do this is manifold but the fundamental reason is because it gives me security in knowing that I am doing God’s work and I am insuring myself and my family from the negativity which is like gravity all around us. Day and night I hear about this person and that person being sick, having cancer, having terminal illness, having lost someone dear to them. This also happens around Thomas and they ask him to pray for those afflicted. I find though that whoever Thomas prays for, they coincidentally get well. Why? Because he has a direct communication with God. How did this thing happen? Well Thomas spends countless hours reading and writing speeches about God (at the last count he was over 2100 speeches). By doing this work, God gives him the Holy spirit as security to do whatever he pleases. The Holy Spirit protects him, his family and everybody he prays for. I see it and I am a witness to it everyday. This is why I seek this security, I seek this love for the Father and the Word and magically every day becomes better, every obstacle is an opportunity to learn and grow spiritually. There is a scene in mission impossible where Max and Ethan Hunt are talking in the back seat of the car and Max says, I can’t tell you what comfort anonymity can be in my profession, it is like a warm blanket. This is exactly how I feel in doing this work. It is a warm blanket filled with love and security. I hope that everyone gets a chance to feel this one day or every day of their lives.
My brothers and sisters I can confirm and certify that if we give love, if we make friends with Christ then the joy that will result from this effort will ensure us life and unspeakable joy, but most important of all it will ensure God in our lives. The greatest investment is to have God as a friend, God as an ally. I can confirm to you that the most beautiful thing is to have God as a friend and be friends with God’s spirit and by doing so, we will have everything. A person gets tried - put through the fire - but in the end he gets blessed from God. My brothers and sisters, man was born from God and specifically from His Wisdom, therefore from God’s Word. This God said, in Genesis 1:26, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and then this same God, breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7). Man was created from life, with life, to live in love. He was created from our father God, who is love.
If man is not in continual communication with God’s Word and does not live love, give love he will not be able to live.
My brothers and sisters, let us ask for God’s wisdom in our lives until we can ensure heavenly treasures, like happiness, peace, love, justice, living faith, God’s wisdom, and love between us. Why do we need everything else if we don’t have peace, if we don’t have happiness, if we don’t have friends, if we don’t even have life. Moreover Christ himself said that a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth in Luke 12:15.
Why dear person do you want money or glory when it makes you suspicious, cunning, evil, and an unjust person? Why do you want money when it causes you to have a constitution of uninterrupted loneliness? Why do you want money when God does not live with you, because you wrongfully manage the financial matter? Our Father, God has defined love as the most healthy law in our relationships and has called upon people to serve His own love, sincere love, that reaches out to every fellow man, friend or foe. We should imitate Christ’s love and also His truth, which guarantees an incorruptible life.
God, my brothers and sisters, was, is and will be the same, in the past and in the future. Christ did not happen by chance, he is the embodiment of the Word, He is the essence of God’s glory. With the relevant repentance and regeneration Christ can become our essence and glory if He lives in us. In Him are fulfilled all prophecies which give and ensure us life. Thousands of years have passed yet only in Christ’s figure are all prophecies proven. The prophecies were written for Him, this is why they happened, they existed for Christ who understood them and took the decision to serve them. Christ Himself revealed in Matthew 5:17, Don’t think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets. I didn’t come to destroy, but to fulfill. All prophecies lead to Him, in His name do we find them all fulfilled. What does God’s Word say about him?
The prophet Isaiah, says in Isaiah 7:14, Behold, the virgin will conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
In another prophecy For to us a child is born. To us a son is given; and the government will be on his shoulders. His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end. (Isaiah 9:6-7).
And in another prophecy the Prophet Isaiah in the book of Isaiah chapter 11:1-5 says, A shoot will come out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch out of his roots will bear fruit. 2 Yahweh’s Spirit will rest on him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Yahweh. 3 His delight will be in the fear of Yahweh. He will not judge by the sight of his eyes, neither decide by the hearing of his ears; 4 but with righteousness he will judge the poor, and decide with equity for the humble of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips he will kill the wicked. 5 Righteousness will be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his waist.
He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law. Isaiah 42:4
David and the prophet Isaiah 800 hundred years prior to the coming of Christ clearly saw how Christ would die as a martyr as well as some important details like I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting. (Isaiah 50:6)
And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Isaiah 53:9
He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. Isaiah 53:8
Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. Isaiah 53:4
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. Isaiah 53:7
There are tens, and even hundreds of prophecies that are being fulfilled in the person of Christ, it cannot be by coincidence, we cannot say that God does not exist. Indeed if we accept him today, we celebrate him, why don’t we follow Him? We hear within temples and other houses of prayer, sermons and preachings regarding Him which sow seeds of fear because most people refer to Him as being a punisher - how is it possible that love can be a punisher - and the reason as it can be seen is for those (who are in charge and responsible) to always have power over people. If they showed them who God really was they would have lost this power because God calls us to be friends and brothers. Why do we live in societies with many insecurities? The reason is simple, because we should be listening to His Word continually, everywhere, every day so that it becomes a habit. God’s Word should be heard even in parliament. Solutions to people’s problems should come from God’s law, Christ’s truth and His love. Unfortunately we don’t listen to Him even in parliament. No member of parliament has ever said, “Christ in this situation said to do this” but we see the exact opposite, one killing the other continually with words that are like bullets that are shot from one person to the other and all this supposedly for our good. Unfortunately thousands of laws are voted in without mercy, without love, without any meaning, since they are all being circumvented even by the legislators themselves with conventional lies.
Another prophecy that makes Christ God is the prophet Micah’s prophecy, which mentions, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was. Is this by luck? I do not think so.
Another prophecy which the prophet Zacharias speaks of and the people who crucified Christ knew of is where Zachariah says Yahweh said to me, “Throw it to the potter, the handsome price that I was valued at by them!” Zechariah 11:13. I took the thirty pieces of silver, and threw them to the potter, in Yahweh’s house. Indeed Judas from the 30 pieces of silver that he got from betraying Jesus, purchased the Potter’s field. One surprise follows the other.
David in the book of Psalms 69:21 states, Instead, they gave me gall (which is interpreted as arrogance, bitterness) for my food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
There is no other person in whom all the prophecies have been fulfilled. Therefore God’s plan is taking place. It continues at the forefront with all of us today so that moved by the Holy Spirit - since we are part of God’s plan - we will put the effort for it to be completed. And this is taking place with all the means that God is granting to all of us. My brothers and sisters all this is strong evidence that will help us eliminate thoughts that were present in us till yesterday and enter into the sanctuary because the time has come for the saints (holy) to inherit God. All this incredible world was made for love and love will inherit it. The Word of God reveals in Matthew 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh and in 2 Peter 3:10 day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. Let us ask just like our Father states for the kingdom of God to come to earth and for us to work it continually. The fact that we will become partakers of God's kingdom can be understood today if we live the kingdom of God within us and that we can see by how we deal with events, and scandals that are brought forth by the worldly system. If we confront these situations with peace, with wisdom, by taking advantage of our time to study His wisdom in the sanctuary, it is good. If not, it will require awareness and dedication to the regenerative teachings of the Voice of God to understand what it means when God was manifested in the flesh, having been redeemed in spirit, appeared resurrected to 500 and more people, and He ascended in glory. In the hour of His ascension into heaven, angels were accompanying Him, they revealed the following, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. (Acts 1:11). Therefore it is a promise, Christ will come again.
What is the Voice of God doing today? By God’s orders it is preparing the person of God in the sanctuary. It urges man to enter into the sanctuary to know and meet Christ, to know himself, to increase the good and pure, to increase God within him. Let us become people of God and this we can achieve by understanding the aforementioned and what it means when it says, in John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. God has a plan and this plan continues to be fulfilled. Today we find ourselves at its peak of its fulfillment because we have reached the point where God has given us the means and the manner to defeat our enemies. It is written, when the enemies of man are defeated, Christ will come and establish His kingdom on earth. Who is every man’s enemy?
Well one of them is sin which creates death. For the wages of sin is death; in John 6:23, In Acts 2:34-35 it says: The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Until I make thy foes thy footstool. In 1 Corinthians 15:26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. God’s plan today calls us to enter into the sanctuary so that His plan can be fulfilled and take place quickly in our lives. Whoever believes that God has no role in Creation or that God has forgotten man is mistaken and this person has fallen aside because there is nothing more real, nothing more obvious than God. Whoever has eyes sees, whoever has been blinded by the worldly system cannot see. Just as in the time of Christ whoever joined themselves and became one with the system of the Scribes and the Pharisees, with trade, with the lies, with the existing stereotypes, with the increase of material wealth, did not know Him. Indeed they condemned Him by shouting crucify, crucify Him, yet all those who studied the Scriptures, when Christ came, they knew Him and they followed Him. My brothers and sisters, God the Father’s plan is evolving. The spiritual person’s evolution is taking place today through Christ since it is leading the person of God to godliness. It is written, in Psalms 82:6 Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. The way that God will make the person of God can only happen through the tangible word. It is written in John 15:3, Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
The future doctrine, call it dogma or ideology of every person should be their continual spiritual evolution towards their godliness. Man’s godliness will be a conscious element of reference and foundation for the world today with Christ as the cornerstone. In other words our goal to become godly will be our constant goal and Christ will become our point of reference in all our actions in order to attain this goal. Somebody talks bad about you, forgive them. Somebody insults or discredits you, don’t respond with the same spirit. Someone needs your help, offer it without expecting anything in return. Help and love others as if you are doing it to yourself. When you see people’s actions keep in mind that the people are not your enemy but the spirits which cause these people to commit to these actions. Take time in the morning and at night to be thankful for everything He has done for you. In the time that it takes for you to read and absorb this information hundreds of millions of cells worked seamlessly to make this happen, cells in your eyes to focus on this writing, cells to decipher the pen movements and the words, to make sense of them. Cells to conjure memories of the effects that these words have on your feelings and your logic, cells needed to process this information and make sense of it, cells needed to decide whether you like the words or reject them, cells needed to decide whether you will adopt them and change a pattern of thinking or acting. Cells, cells, cells millions and billions of them and yet you were not conscious of most of them carrying out this work. God instructed them to work collectively within you. Be thankful. When you are thankful, you build a huge shield around you that defends you from the arrows of the evil one. Your tolerance increases substantially and your logic finds ways to disassociate with your ego and move you closer to God.
Christ is the cornerstone of the world, especially the Christian world. Surely spiritual progression exists in the Christian world but Christ’s complete truth has not appeared yet even to Christian societies, even though Christianity is a legitimate religion, and Christ’s truth and life could have been accomplished easily and feasibly amongst people and become an example for all nations. It is a fact that Christ today remains for 2000 years now as an image of a person with a thorned crown. He remains as a simple cornerstone because Christians have not understood how to be in tune to His principles and become His new disciples so that they can create with their works and their words, God the Father’s building.
The cornerstone does not mean it is the whole structure or building, our participation is required for the structure to be completed. My brothers and sisters, the most suitable conditions exist for the Christian world to begin to understand Christ’s mission and for Christ not to be just a figure, a theatrical play that gets repeated every year and does not benefit anyone except the actors and the directors. We do not glorify God in this manner but we glorify Him by becoming truth so that the things which were written will take place, like the abolishing of sin. When sin gets abolished, the Kingdom of God gets built within us, and then the conceivable paradise gets built within us. When the Kingdom is established within us, bodily corruption and death get abolished. All these can be achieved in silence and in the personal sanctuary. Have you seen a saint hanging around at the square? By this Thomas means at an area where people socialize. All these saints went to deserted places. In this personal sanctuary is where the Holy God invites us to enter so that through our regeneration we may fulfill His plan to save mankind. My brothers and sisters, nothing can change God’s almighty plan which is evolving through the Word. Unfortunately, there are many people that do not see God when He is present in their lives but they understand the difference when He leaves from their lives. This is why we should take care today because God is present next to us and everywhere.
Moreover, if the time comes for us to repent, let us repent for one reason. This reason is that we did not follow Him and that we did not take the risks that would have made Him live forever with us, eternally with us. If we lose God, we lose a life, and then we will lose everything. The Lord has opened up a door in front of us and no one can shut it.
Today there are many that play with numbers so that they can impose their power, let them learn that the mightiest of them all is the Creator and He will win with love. Mighty are not those leaders who use their countries’ population and numbers thereof as a sign of strength, some say that they are numbered in the 10 million, 100 million etc. Mighty are not those who build weapons, nuclear etc. Mighty in the world are not those who lead religions or run large religious organizations. My brothers and sisters, the mighty in this world are those who are humble. Let us become people of God because for them, that which was written will be fulfilled and the world will be reborn. That which was written is:
First: For the gospel of the Kingdom to be preached - which is being preached for the
first time publicly in the world and it is being preached by the Voice of God - since this is what creates bodily incorruption. In other words to get to know God through the regenerative teachings and admonitions of the Voice of God. The Gospel of the Kingdom does not reject life through life, something everyone has rejected. Which means that the Gospel of the Kingdom speaks of having eternal life without ever tasting death. The Voice of God does not reject this notion, it strives for it because the Gospel of the Kingdom as we stated creates incorruptible life. Christ said, in Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Second: Let us enter into the sanctuary. It is written, in Matthew 6:6, But thou, when thou
prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Third: The abolition of sin. The manner? By adding hours focusing on our spirit that will
grant us reconciliation with the good and the pure.
Forth: The abolition of bodily corruption and death. It is written in 1 Corinthians
15:25-26, For he (Jesus) must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. In the sanctuary, the biochemical processes of the brain change because with our continual reconciliation with God, happiness will increase, faith becomes living, wisdom becomes tangible, since our psycho emotional world changes with Christ. In the sanctuary, all the biochemical processes that transmute the gene change, they add a certain element that makes the gene indestructible. The Word of God is life and gives life. It is written in John 6:63, The Spirit gives life; If we want to live then let’s put in us God’s spirit.
Fifth: To establish and present God’s universal family.
Sixth: The second coming of Christ to take place.
Seventh: For the resurrection of those sleeping in the Lord takes place through Christ.
These bodies will not be raised by man. In other words these bodies will be fabricated bodies that have not gone through infancy to childhood to adulthood, they will be bodies that have been made as is. We can imagine this today through 3d printing etc. In these bodies will be placed the spirits of the saints that died believing in the Holy God.
Eighth: And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the
whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, Daniel 7:27
Ninth: God is coming to earth, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and
God himself will be with them and be their God.
Today these promises can be achieved as well as to be one since this is also a biblical requirement. To be one and the sanctuary will be the cause of us living Christ.
Many think that they will lose if they share themselves with other brothers and sisters. This is how the hypocrites thought when they crucified Jesus, that they will win and that love, truth, life, and Christ will be defeated but they lost because Christ with His unique and special sacrificial offering became life and rebirth for all. Christ became a sacrifice which was pleasing to God so as to be talked about everywhere. Many wanted for Him to disappear but He was and is the most important and relevant figure since he made his body a God-pleasing sacrifice for all.
Christ is Almighty. That which people despised about Christ’s presence, the Father made Him into God. This is why we should not ignore what God has sent close to us today because the same thing was done to Christ by others but Christ changed and became a student, an apostle, a pastor, a prophet, a people, a nation, a comforter. The whole planet, as well as the whole Creation, will become Christ because love cannot be crucified, the truth cannot be erased, the light will always break the darkness.
My brothers and sisters, all of the creations, and the whole Creation witness the Godliness that governs them, because only God could have created them and given them life. Godliness, as well as God’s presence, can be especially witnessed by the brain of every human being. It is in the brain that God put and showed all His craftsmanship since He provides us with the key of godliness through the regenerating teaching. Through the brain, we communicate with God and we receive thoughts, we just need to “turn the knob” and catch the station that God transmits. When God’s teachings “hit” our ears - I have said it before - all our biochemical processes or the brain’s workings change in order to produce life so that they can make our body incorruptible.
Many say that the planet does not have many good days left, how far detached they are. If they ask themselves and think that Christ died so that God’s Kingdom could be established on earth they will change opinion. God does not make mistakes. There are so many prophecies which I have referred to that have been all fulfilled in his name (Thomas uses another word here instead of the word name which literally translated means face). Besides, this is why He came to the world, to create Gods. We are in the image of God and are also logical beings, provided that our brain through God’s thinking becomes Christ-centered. For it to become Christ-centered, our brain needs to evolve, to become God’s mind. That is why many centuries have now passed where the evil and the good are fighting to see which one will prevail but in the end, God's wisdom will come to the fore in the senses of men. God created the world in two, good - evil, night - day, life - death. This is how a person becomes God, when he studies both sides and in the end he chooses to become God or the Devil. A person’s works will determine their godliness or evilness. We have many victories from those who are people of God and from those who are evil. From the people of the wicked (world history has a lot to witness) yet the good will prevail. It is not possible for God to have sent his Child on earth to be crucified and not have good prevail on earth and for His Kingdom not to be established. There is no such case. I believe this and I am sure that good will prevail and this is why I work for it with all my strength. When a person creates Christ’s mind when a person imitates Christ until it works for God everything will change. This is what we are called upon to succeed through repentance, through regeneration, through our spiritual evolution. This is the Voice of God’s job today, to evolve man spiritually. Our spiritual evolution in God will be the only doctrine of all logical beings from today onwards and in the eternal future, the future where we can be a part of through our living faith and we can succeed in because the path has been opened. The world’s future is Christ who walked in it and lives in it today. The road has been walked upon by the Son and Word of the living God. This is the reason for His presence in the world (this is why we have Jesus saying follow me). As well, His presence and his whole apostolic work converge upon His crucifixion, His resurrection, and His second coming. Through all of these actions, we have acquired the guide, the map, and the compass which makes us partakers of His own glory.
What does follow me mean? It means that I go close, I am not saying, “Ah now I will be gone or I will miss 1-2 days, tomorrow I will miss 5-6 days, or I had some other work, then something else happened to me and I didn’t get a chance to work spiritually”. This is not how it’s done. The “follow me” is nothing else than a continual development for making godliness possible for everyone of us and in order to achieve the goal, continuous activity on His principles is needed, and the miracle today has begun to live within the person of God, who communes with God and it is to be experienced by those who consciously follow Him today, having first devoted themselves to their own sanctuary. Whoever enters the sanctuary lives in God, lives in love, lives with power and when they talk about God, their words are so real, let us say so simple, “they are nailed” to their fellow man’s brains. When the Word of God is spoken from elected vessels (people who have chosen to follow God), it is likened to nails on wood, which accept the hits from a strong hammer. Whoever does not apply Christ’s gospel is a person who has the nail in his hands but does not have a hammer and therefore hits the nail with his hands. Today that we have understood what we must do let us do it and the reason is that the fullness of time has come. It is written in Acts 2:17, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Man today has reached the pinnacle of healthy thinking. We see this today in human societies where they are filled with education, civilization, sciences, arts, philosophy, literature and God. The human race has reached the second to last step. The pinnacle of wisdom, of knowledge, is here today since God’s wisdom is unfolding in front of us through the living voice of the living God and man is ready to step on the final step, which determines and leads to his godliness because through Christ it is possible for the person of God to prevail over death and for all humanity to tune into common goals and for love to become universal. Evolution (of the divine kind) is unavoidable for all. God certainly does not expect this evolution though from those who whisper God’s Word but from all those who engage today in a struggle in the sanctuary so that they can study God’s wisdom. All those who are called God’s conscious people, those who serve life, believe in incorruptible life, grow in love, live with humbleness, they make daily efforts or actions that coordinate themselves and the world around them to work for the pure and the good because something will be needed that will play the role of a coordinator and that something exists today and it is the Voice of God, because it serves the living God, revealing Him as He is.
The Voice of God does not only ask for the personal coordination of a few people to God’s principles but for the universal, global coordination of the people of God to God’s will.
In order for this venture to be achieved, God has placed the sanctuary in our mind. This is the last spiritual work of God the Father to the person of God which will be a powerful motivation to accomplish and complete the education of the people of God and of the whole human race in general. Then the collective spiritual development will bring forth God’s presence inside and around us. It is written, in Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them
My beloved brothers and sisters, in our days through Christ a new type of person is making an appearance who will be living with God’s wisdom and will not just possess God’s wisdom but will manage this wisdom through the Word the same word will have a physical form. It is written, say the word and it will be done. This power will not only happen to only one person but by the Holy Spirit, it will become universal. The reason for our conviction is because today we see the beginning of the Spirit-inspired man being created, who will take breaths from God and stand as God with God within Creation, because the person of God is he who can become an example to imitate since through Christ he can leave in the morning from his home with God and be able to keep peace in his mind and God in general in him until the evening without allowing anything from the worldly system to control him and this is what everyone will see. The fact that God can and wants to live in us is written (as long as we allow it). What did the Lord say in John 14:23-24? If a man loves me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
God’s mountain which will become the center of convergence of all people is the sanctuary which God calls us to enter in. In it is where the person of God will be living (from now till the day of the Lord - meaning the day that the Lord will reign on earth) as it will be the sanctuary that will bring man to Christ’s mountain because - as I have stated - there must be a center for man’s reintegration or rehabilitation to God’s principles so that there may be a complete transformation through a regenerative teaching, exuberant, mature, complete, without ignoring eternal, incorruptible life. This center exists today and it is the presence of the Voice of God with its regenerative teaching that enlivens God within every person who has a good intention on the workings of God (whoever enters the sanctuary lives God). A complete and total understanding of God’s will will make us conscious of our mission and this consciousness will be created from within us.
The people of the world today believe that the future will be built first through a necessary complete destruction or through a lot of wars between nations which they regard as being inevitable and which will commence from all the ambitious nations worldwide. This will never happen and it is the greatest trap, and the reason why is because it creates constant fear. It is not possible today from a global destruction for something to blossom into something ripe, especially today with all the weapons that people have in their hands. These discussions are made from certain people that cause fear in order to fulfill their plans on people so that they can rule over them. The Voice of God disqualifies the destruction of the world because God’s plan is to make man into a logical and godly being. The Voice of God though does not discount that there will be scandals. Who can win in a battle between two countries? Global history has shown that no one wins. How then from a global war. Moreover, everyone knows that everything that exists on the planet came from the fire. Everything has within it fire, even man has a temperature of 36.6 oC. The detonation of nuclear weapons will not only destroy the surface of the planet and its whole existence. Many have built nuclear shelters in the earth but they may not be aware that the use of nuclear weapons will not only ruin the surface of the earth but they will displace this planet and put it in an uncontrollable orbit where that the planet is as if it was drunk, just like a drunken man and the shelters will not benefit because the drunken person loses his orbit and travels aloof. If the earth travels a bit farther from the sun everything will freeze, a bit closer to the sun and everything would heat up.
One day there was an earthquake and the scientists said that earth’s orbit changed a bit, if I am not mistaken. My brothers and sisters the planet is not ruled by people but by God Himself. Everyone knows what can happen in such a war and no one dares press the button. On the contrary, God’s love will ensure that everyone will turn to unity and to the creation of other works. (heaven leading works of course). It looks like people are ruling and managing the planet today but we all know the parable with the vineyard where God hired workers and these workers wanted the vineyard to themselves, but what happened in the end? God got rid of those bad workers.
The whole planet and everything that exists on it is God the Father’s possession. God will not allow anyone to steal and manage His vineyard. It is written, He has also established them forever and ever.
Psalms 148: 1-6
Praise Yah!
Praise Yahweh from the heavens!
Praise him in the heights!
2 Praise him, all his angels!
Praise him, all his army!
3 Praise him, sun and moon!
Praise him, all you shining stars!
4 Praise him, you heavens of heavens,
You waters that are above the heavens.
5 Let them praise Yahweh’s name,
For he commanded, and they were created.
6 He has also established them forever and ever.
He has made a decree which will not pass away.
The purpose of creation is for God to create and evolve the person of God into the image of God. God, through creation, wants to make man inheritor of God, a joint heir with Christ, and partaker of His glory. Participation has started. The inheritance is being transferred as today there is a transfer being made of all of God’s attributes to people of God who will bring solutions today to all matters concerning the aspects that make life eternal, incorruptible, blessed, blissful. Many think that a person of God does not or cannot exist the way that God wants but I will bring an example. Once Israel was in war with the Philistines. The Philistines had Goliath whom no one can face, but the solution did not come from a soldier, or a king, or even from a religious leader but from a child that was a shepherd, David, who was friends with God. It is the same now, salvation will not come from a strong army, or from a large religious organization, or from a large religion but from a person who will be called, a person of God, a friend of God, His chosen one. Salvation will come from Him who has been announced by the Lord, whom Christ Himself has addressed (and I would say guided) his footsteps. Christ revealed in John 16: 7-15 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 about sin, because people do not believe in me; 10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. 12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. It is certain that evolution, God’s wisdom and love will become tangible through the Comforter. He along with His Father’s wisdom and Christ as a strong stimulus will align man to the truth established by God and not the truth established by a man that serves his personal interests. God will embrace all of mankind and will lead it to godliness through Christ.
My brothers and sisters, today we can begin the challenge that will make us Gods. (Here I chose a challenge instead of a struggle because struggle has such a negative connotation. By using challenge it is more representative of what you actually feel when you get on the path of godliness. Let me explain. You are upset at work, someone said something, your report was shot down, your child failed an exam, your neighbor aggravates you to no end. You have a right to feel frustrated or angry. Put on a song of Eminem or something that lets you blow some steam and then get back to a pleasant state. Sometimes it takes more than a song. I will give a personal example. I invested in a company that makes hockey socks and outfits. With me in the investment were 2 other business owners and the current owner who has more than 17 years experience in hockey sock making. I thought everything would be fine. A year into it and almost $150 000 investment from my end we were about to go bankrupt because the 3 business owners who were tasked to run it had totally dropped the ball. To say I was furious was an understatement. I left the meeting and decided to take a long walk, I put Thomas’ speeches from the Voice of God on but quite frankly God was the last thing on my mind. So I dialed in some Eminem on my phone - life in the fast lane, put my earphones on and I let my frustration play out with the song. The song finished but I was not back to normal so I put some 50 cent and then some Kanye West and so on. An hour into my walk and I was back to normal and actually in a better state than when I woke up. And this after 6 years of listening to Thomas and after 27 years of choosing to be a Christian. The path to godliness is measured by how quickly and how easily you can bring yourself to a state of euphoria despite what the world throws at you. This is the challenge, to keep your inner self in peace and joy and happiness. Some people call it a struggle, I choose to call it a challenge because every time you can measure your improvement by how quickly you can come back to your supreme self. Challenge yourself today to keep this inner peace and joy to the best of your ability and when you lose it, try to get back to it as quickly as you can). The way Thomas suggests we can become gods is to leave behind everything that others have built within us and to begin a new life with Christ and His divine germinating Word - day and night let us converse and interact with the four gospels, with the living voice of the living God - till we make God’s vineyard in us and around us adding to our life necessary elements like fruits of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the signs of the Holy Spirit and all the excessive characteristics of our Father God until we become a person of God. The person of God is he who abolished sin, the devil and his army, and in general corruption and death. My brothers and sisters only Christ’s love is capable of uniting man with God and man with man. The center of all this energy is the triune God or (God in the Trinity) who exists today more than ever at the core of all logical thinking of humankind and lives in us in mystery and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit leads us to godliness. In here Thomas specifically states living mysteriously in us and let me give a couple of examples of what he means. Someone who is pure in heart and not a fanatic on certain ideals, God speaks to him. He will be invited to a home and the person, for example, does not eat meat. God will tell him to respect his host’s invitation, to speak nicely to show love etc. This is something we take as being common sense but have you not ever wondered why common sense is really not that common? Someone will say in a public discussion that God is this or God is that and someone who has God in him will respond that the person is right in what he is saying even though he cannot be farther from the truth because God is really love. He accepts everyone as they are. He does not seek to offend or point out the right because He knows that the truth is relative for everyone. It is more important to have love than truth because love will bring you to God’s truth.
As long as man remains far from God, he will remain far from incorruptible life. The continual distancing of man from God will lead him to a multitude of dead ends with merciless conflicts in all areas. For us to understand the meaning of God, we must understand the saying, in Matthew 8:22 and let the dead bury their dead, or in Matthew 6:34 where it says, Therefore don’t be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day’s own evil is sufficient. The time has come for us to comprehend beyond any doubt when Jesus says in John 11:26 Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” We believe this saying, and for our faith to grow until it becomes a living faith, effort and struggle are required. (the effort is worth it).
My brothers and sisters, if God did not exist, we would not have existed. If we didn’t exist would God exist? Therefore since we exist, God exists since He lives in us, ‘For in him we live and move and have our being. As Paul states in Acts 17:28. This is no way means that He did not exist before Creation because He existed prior to creating. Since He created us. He spoke the Word and everything was created and materialized into all this natural, physical world, the aquatic world the illogical (meaning all animals that don’t have elevated logic) and the logical world - man with all this beauty! So much investment has been made by God on the planet and throughout the universe and we can not be rejecting all of this it for another life (the life after death) so frivolously with the pettiness we have and to want to go somewhere else.
Have you ever seen anyone who is sick and wants to die? No one. Everyone wants to love but they don’t know the way. The way has been found and it is to put God consciously into our lives. Therefore what many say and alarm us that the world will be destroyed, that man will be lost, does not stand because God will also be lost. God can not be lost so neither can a man be lost. If man is lost then what this suggests is that God can not synchronize man with love. This is not possible. The only person that will be lost is the one who does not work for the general interest and good but for their own personal interest. Moreover based on God’s Word the person who seeks after his own interests is not a person but an animal. It is written in Psalms 49:12 And man being in honour, understands not: he is compared to the senseless cattle, and is like to them. (When he works for personal gain). May it not be that we imitate animals. The time has come for us to follow the living God. Amen.
My brothers and sisters, carrying out this struggle from a young child, sometimes people have gotten me a little tired and the reason being is when God sends me next to them or they come to me, most of them cannot believe, see or understand that He who speaks to them is He who loves them and has come to them from God. The same God who is next to them in order to give them life, happiness, health, wisdom. (they make it difficult for me when they are slow to hear what I am telling them). Unfortunately, a major obstacle in bridging relationships between God and man as well as man with man is wickedness, the same wickedness that the devil has managed through trickery to put in the lives of all people.
There is no connection with God’s simplicity and purity. Let us tend today to do God’s will so that wickedness could leave and we can become gods, this everyone can accept. It is written, in Psalms 82:6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’ When we accept the good news of the Voice of God, it is certain that on our path, on our spiritual journey with God, the wickedness will leave and the pure and good will take its place, we will soften up. This will benefit us because we will get to know God as He is since He is with us today, next to us and travels with us in our lives. I will close this speech with something I read on the internet. Someone wrote: I asked a bird, a flower and a person what does love mean?
The bird sang, the flower blossomed, and the person cried. Love means God, God means I love you. The fact that He loves us is witnessed by a lot and can be testified by many things such as the logical life He has granted us, like Creation, like His Son, who through His sacrifice on the cross became a pole of attraction, of regeneration and godliness for every person. Let us also love God with Christ’s love. I will also say this. Many times, many brothers and sisters say to me, “my patience, my love have been exhausted, I cannot anymore, not even my job can I do, not even this brother can I handle, not even my husband, not even my wife, not even my family, not even my friends, I can’t do anything”. I agree with them, but I reply: “If your love has been exhausted, if your patience has been exhausted, my brother surely you are free to do whatever you want, God understands you, His love is unlimited and even if you make a mistake, God will catch up with you later but I want you to know that God’s love and patience have not been exhausted for the individual that you are rejecting, that you are criticizing and as a natural consequence - since your love has been exhausted - you cannot become God quickly because God must bring a solution to your problems and not you. We get the diploma when God’s patience runs out with the person we are criticizing (since He will bring a solution). If we are right, God knows, we don’t have to jump to conclusions. Let us leave God to evolve our lives and not us with our own wants. If we put an end to problems, to training, then we will remain in the same grade spiritually because dear brother and sister, the training has not ended, love has not become God’s love. Just think dear man for you to lose God, to lose your mission for a little more love that you had to give, for your lack of patience to lose that which God wanted to give you.
Just imagine you don’t become God, you don’t receive the mission that He gave you because a little more patience was needed because a little more love was needed so that you may get your reward, the diploma and become God. Moreover, why do we grumble so much, since no one has been through what Christ has been through? Why do we continually begrudge? Christ’s love, patience, tolerance, and hope were and are unlimited. Christ’s love was without measure and it remains. He reached till death in order to show love to the Father and to all of us. When they went to the garden of Gethsemane, to arrest Him, Peter pulled a knife and the Lord told him in Matthew 26:52-53 “Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? 54 But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?” What do we want, God to our measure or God as He is? I hope we can empty ourselves and trust our Father. He knows when we have passed our courses when we must close the book. My brothers and sisters, let us free ourselves so we can taste God the Father in us and around us.
I would also like to say something personal. I have been continuously working Christ since I was twenty-two years old. Up till twenty-two years of age, I was serving God through and by tradition, this is what I knew to be God’s will then. From twenty-two years of age till present day, (twenty-seven years now) I serve God and brother and sister through God’s Word and through the Holy Spirit. In all those years, many people came next to me. I got to know many people who came to make this struggle of cleansing, of holiness. They came with enthusiasm, with happiness, with hope with a decision that they will do God’s will and I believed them but over the course of time, it could be seen that they didn’t have much love for Christ they didn’t have much patience and they returned to the same. I hope they will return (I will wait for them), but above all that they will return to God the Father, not just in their mind as they are today but consciously doing works of love. Without wanting to praise myself, I want to say something about my own struggle for our benefit.
My brothers and sisters, I am pleased that I continue this struggle, even though I passed through difficult times, even though I was deprived or that I am deprived financially, even though I got tired sometimes, even though I was saddened that the devil managed to divide me against my brothers and sisters in Christ that I loved and they loved me over foolish matters, yet I see with Christ’s power I didn’t get exhausted, on the contrary, every day I learn something new from Christ and from God the Father who always consoles me, and always gives me comfort and encouragement since He gave me the power to continue the struggle to study the wisdom of God. And I am glad that after 27 years of conscious struggle, I and Argyro (Thomas’ wife) continue to serve brothers and sisters, to host people, I write speeches, I travel to wherever I am needed by my brothers and sisters, I pray for brothers and sisters that have health problems, I find ways through love, the love that devises salvation systems that facilitate my brothers’ and sisters’ regeneration and many other things that are needed to spread God’s glory, with sacrifice everywhere. My brothers and sisters, I am pleased today because my love for Christ stays strong. I am happy because my love for Him has not ended neither has it ended for the brother or sister that God brings into my life. I am happy because my patience has not ended. I am happy because nothing has ended in me on the contrary it has grown.
I am here, I struggle with the poor means at my disposal and I am sure that the Voice of God will go out to the whole world and it will cause a global spiritual earthquake. The diploma that I want, that I seek and which all of us want and seek today is priceless, it is unliftable, it is heavy, it requires a lot of love to get it. Perhaps this is why the Father is slow to sign it for us because He wants to see from us a little more love, He wants love without end, without measure. He wants a little more patience, He wants unlimited patience. By your endurance you will win your lives (Luke 21:19) But he who endures to the end, the same will be saved. (Matthew 24:13). A little more time is needed to study. More time needs to be spent in the sanctuary. Whatever is needed though, it is worth it because when the Father awards the diploma in the hands of each one of us, with His signature and stamp, our joy will be great since it will automatically create transmutation in the cell and the gene, which will be throbbing at God’s rhythms and will live forever incorruptible. God’s presence transmutes it, nothing else. Many are looking to bring the world or people closer to them without having brought God first to their lives. The Voice of God first wants to bring God into the lives of all its children and afterwards the world. If God comes first He will bring both the diploma and the world. Why dear man do you want the world without a diploma, where will you lead all these people, to the graveyard? The world is ending up there by itself. Let’s get the degree. The way? The sanctuary.
The diploma will write: Dear person, you have graduated from your God the Father’s highest university and from this day onwards you are called the Son of God, daughter of God, and you are from today and throughout the ages the heir, the co-heir, and partaker of God’s great glory. Christ my brothers and sisters, as he was carrying out His struggle, received every day more of God’s spirit, the spirit of wisdom, of foresight, of powers, of love, in the end, He ended up having the Spirit without measure. When He finished His mission, the world came. Until He finished His work under the cross three people were left, two women, one of which was His mother, and the other Maria and John, all the others were gone. But then those who came to Christ became millions. That is exactly what will happen to all of us, as long as our love for God and our brother and sister is not exhausted, our patience is not exhausted, we don’t leave our studies and the sanctuary. May it be, may it be amen.
With Christ’s love, servant of God and man, Thomas.
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