Τετάρτη 17 Ιουλίου 2013




The tenets of the Voice of God.

Before I go into the explanation of  the 33 tenets or guidelines that we have in the Voice of God, I would like to take this opportunity to explain what is the Voice of God, and how it all started. The Voice of God was founded in the year 2000 by Thomas Tiligadas in Greece. Prior to founding the Voice of God, Thomas was a member of a Christian Organization called X.O.E spelled x o e (which is an abbreviation  for the Greek title Christian Organization for Peace). This organisation was the first to speak of and preach eternal life as being a life without tasting death. Unfortunately the founder of XOE died and this put the fundamental concept of immortality that he spoke of in question. Thomas suffered a depression as he felt that he had lost his closest friend and spiritual father. Prior to the founder dying, Thomas got a visit from an angel stating that he was to leave that organisation where he was and go back to his hometown in Agrinio, Greece. There the angel told him to build a small cabin where he could be in solitude for a couple of hours a day, after he finished work and spent time with his family. He was to study the bible there and wait for God to come. Two years into this endeavour Thomas received his first visitation from God. God did not come as a human being but as a loud wind and He spoke in a loud voice. He  expounded on the fundamental principles that XOE spoke of but He introduced one key component which would make all the difference in whether a person would be able to reach immortality or not: the sanctuary, solitude. In the sanctuary and in silence the mind through the Holy Spirit and the teachings outlined in the Voice of God, would rewire itself from everything that it had learned from a person’s existence as well as all the genetic encoding from thousands of years of history and replace them by Godly elements. Elements that gave life, happiness and joy. A deal was made between God and Thomas. God would tell Thomas everything a person needed to know in order to reach godliness and Thomas would write it and spread it to everyone that he knew without reservation without holding back or claiming it is secret or mysterious. God told Thomas to call this movement the Voice of God and to propagate it to everyone for the sake of building the Kingdom of God here on earth. A Kingdom that knows no death, a kingdom where there will be no sin, a kingdom that will have abundance in all matter. Heaven. I Nector Maris as well as other spiritual brothers and sisters have taken on the task to translate Thomas’s works into english so that the world may benefit from these teachings. This speech is focused on the 33 tenets of the Voice of God, call them guidelines or ways of conduct that form the foundation of the Voice of God and this Kingdom that will be built on earth. If practiced correctly these tenets will not only grant you eternal life but a better quality of life. Each tenet requires a significant amount of time for your mind to absorb it and rewire your brain so that it can be fulfilled within you. Do not worry, patience and persistence and your eye on the target for eternal life will get you there. There is an old chinese proverb that says, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take the first step to proceed and these tenets will guide you through your journey.

1. In the Voice of God we believe in diversity. Within it we can succeed in having unity. In other times, diversity created big scandals as well as many wars. Today, man’s spiritual level has changed and through it there is respect between people and each person accepts the other as they are. When there is respect and acceptance what we see appearing in relationships amongst people is love. With love, we all become equal and we are all raised to God’s level. It is truly amazing when the word love once it is meant or understood enables and ensures us a characteristic similar to God’s glory. It also ensures us in becoming god’s heirs, co-heirs with Christ and partakers of God’s glory. Let us not state that we know God because when we meet Him we will learn things that are way beyond our comprehension. If we don’t understand diversity we will always disagree with our fellow men and with God. May it not be! We have examples with the Scribes and the Pharisees, who believed that they knew God and that they were of God yet it was revealed that they did not know Him, because God Himself appeared in front of them and they did not accept Him but rejected Him.

2. In the Voice of God we don’t have leaders, deacons, prophets, sheep etc. In the Voice of God each person tops off the other with love, we speak with love, we live with love. When we comprehend love, our discussions between us will not be dogmatic (or opinionated) or egotistical, or evil (negative) but with a variety of many God given thoughts which will fulfill what is spiritually lacking, because everything that we will do will be done with love. Whatever we say to our fellow man, if we say it with love, it will take a space (or will find a home in someone’s thoughts or mind) yet if we say it with hatred or bad in every word we see that there will be an objection.  We know that love houses everything. I hope that all of us will understand the value of love because it shields and protects us. May it be amen.

3. In the Voice of God we are Philadelphians, no one is singled out or exceptional. In the Voice of God we don’t have superiors or inferiors. When Philadelphia is understood and applied God’s church will be created and appear for the first time in our spiritual history. It will also be the last church to be established. God blesses this Church for He says, in revelations 3:11 Hold firmly that which you have, so that no one takes your crown. God does not want doctrines but people that are Philadelphians. Naturally we do not judge the different doctrines (or religions) nor the people that belong to them because all these doctrines and different people are steps that lead towards love and to philadelphia and they are all a part of God’s wisdom (and God’s plan). The name of the church therefore is called Philadelphia. With this church we will proceed into the future. It is the last church. This church will not have any signs or labels. Today my brothers and sisters we are living in the end times. We can become brothers and sisters and become Philadelphians if we can understand and apply all what God is revealing to us today and on a daily basis through the Holy Spirit. Whoever cannot become a Philadelphian, (and we don’t mean a citizen of the the city of Philadelphia but a member of this church) will not be able to live or communicate with God who is also a Philadelphian.

4. In the Voice of God you will not find a physical building, we don’t have a specific church or specific doctrine, we don’t even have a temple and neither do we have any future plans to create one and the reason why is because we are creating and building within the sanctuary the new temple in God, which will help God live within us. It is written in John 4:19-23: The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshiped in this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.” 21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, will you worship the Father. 22 You worship that which you don’t know. We worship that which we know; for salvation is from the Jews.23 But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to be his worshipers. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
The more God’s spirit is within us, the more God’s word is in us, the more God is in us. When God lives in us, then He will appear more in our mind and in our body. Up until yesterday people ignored the body. Today though we got to know God’s Word and we got to know His intentions, and we see that He does not ignore the body because based on God’s Word our body is the temple that houses the Holy Spirit. For us, God’s new temple is not outside of us but inside of us, in our body. The handmade temples will sooner or later end. The manner? With the presence of the Antichrist. If we don’t become love, if we don’t grasp God’s definition and  meaning and His will which is for us to become love, the negative prophecies will create complete apostasy ( a distancing of us from God) and whatever was built will be lost.  We know that in the end times our relationship and love with one another will have cooled down. If we understand and grasp love then the bad (or negative) prophecies will not take place in the end times. It is written, with love the prophecies will be abolished. Love abolishes all the bad. Let us know that the temples which are not made by hand which are created by the Holy Spirit will live forever, in these will the Trinity of God work and abide in forever. It is written, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,  and make our home with him. (John 14:23). From now on the monastery will be in us. We want to enter in communion with God with the proper spiritual and physical attire. Those who are inappropriately spiritually and physically dressed (those who ignored God’s wisdom) will enter into the bottomless pit.  Amen. I would like to expand on this concept of a bottomless pit. It is not a physical pit but a state of being. Have you not had days where you just felt like you were slipping deeper and deeper in depression or anger etc. For some people these states take over their whole being. We must dress ourselves with the holy spirit to prevent this from happening to us.

5. In the Voice of God we spread the Gospel of the Kingdom (not  by shouting right and left in order to  pressure our fellow man) but by entering into the sanctuary and recommending it as a place where they can go also. The sanctuary could be a room or a place that we designate where we are able to spend time alone to learn and study God’s Word. This is where I go to translate Thomas’s speeches from Greek to English. Ideally it is a place where you can isolate yourself from the world and hopefully your negative thoughts for a couple of hours or whole days. In the sanctuary we will be able to study God’s wisdom in silence, and think about God’s Word as well as the regenerative teachings of the Voice of God. In the sanctuary we will also study whatever good exists in the world, which comes from the Father-God and this exists in God’s Word or has been acquired and developed within the Gospel of Christ.
Many times I hear people saying to think positively. I agree with thinking positively but how can we do this when our mind is filled with the negative. It is not only important to think positively but  to enter into the process of regeneration, to study another - new logic (or wisdom) to learn a new language, the language of God, the language of peace, of justice, of love, of happiness, of tolerance, of long life, of patience. As such we will be able to think positively and function positively. Our minds need to be filled with God’s spirit for us to be positive and normal when confronted with all the scandals or stimuli that we receive. For us to be positive, it is not a philosophy but a multi year struggle that helps us develop a new mind and neurons with God’s wisdom. Let us understand something, it is not up to he who wills it or he who runs around for it but up to the merciful God. We may want what we want and think positively but God is the righteous one. If we think positively just for ourselves but we have an Ego which reaches the heavens then thinking positively will not benefit us. Somehow we will have to operate differently for God to bless us, because everything else without God’s presence in our lives, without placing God’s commandments into our lives, is more or less a theft. Meaning we acquired it but not by the proper pathway, which required us to cleanse ourselves of our bad habits and replace them by the good habits that Jesus displayed. God will bless us by showing us how to offer (of ourselves, of our time or of our money), in other words not just learning to take but also to give. God’ will bless us not only when we are righteous. God’s blessing does not come whether we are righteous or not, nor whether they criticize us or not but whether under all circumstances we hold no grudges or negativity. Only in this manner will we be able to create a spiritual base and a people with God-like personality since everyone will be taught by God. Therefore let us speak of the living God and serve Him in silence. (By this Thomas means to close ourselves in the sanctuary, to study Him, research Him and pray to Him in silence. In his speeches, Thomas explains why working in silence has a scientific benefit of regenerating our cells to adopt God’s way of thinking). We know that silence gave birth to great spiritual people. The world therefore has to keep quiet in us and for us to be able to find out things about ourselves and about our God. 
The world has other matters that take us away from God’s path and place us on different paths and onto different thinking. It is not that this world is bad, on the contrary it is God’s jewel, but upon entering in this world, we must have the wisdom so that it does not defeat us - defeat happens when we die,  and we must be able to stand above all stimuli that this world creates. Amen.
6. In the Voice of God, we believe and preach and strive to bring to our lives the elimination or abolishment of physical death. Christ was the first to speak of it, He inspired us to achieve it and the end times have come because we see that science which is a confirmation of the end times (as spoken by the prophet Isaiah 33:6. Unfortunately the english translation does not speak of science but of wisdom) also speaks of man’s longevity, for the pill of life and for many other things. The path of life was opened by God for a few people in the old testament who had not yet met Christ, people like Enoch, Elijah, Moses, and many more of whom we don’t know yet and later on Christ himself.
 In other words, in the Old Testament, (this path to life) was directly from the Father but Christ being the second person of the Godhead, and as the Word, revealed that this path is God’s will and it belongs to God’s wisdom and it is His aspiration that we all become inheritors of life. Christ therefore said, in John 11:25-26. He who believes in me will still live, even if he dies. 26 Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” The people did not believe this because for centuries the Bible was hidden (or shall we say that the bible’s message was disguised). Today slowly-slowly God is opening the eyes of the spiritual world since they are thinking, studying and searching to find a way for this to happen. Here being in an environment where there are great advances in science definitely helps us as it is serving to prove our beliefs. Even the Apostle Paul in Corinthians 1 15:50 refers to the following: 50 Now I say this, brothers, that flesh and blood can’t inherit God’s Kingdom; neither does the perishable inherit imperishable.51 Behold, I tell you a mystery. We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed. 53 For this perishable body must become imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality. (there exists therefore a cloak as seen in John 21:7 that transforms the body. There are a lot of bodies both terrestrial and celestial. At its core our body will be the same but it will have more properties. In other words we can now move and lift our hands but with our transformation we will be able to lift our whole body. Whatever Jesus performed during his life on earth like walking on water, multiplying fish, healing the blind and the lame we will have the possibility of doing the same and more. The verse continues in 15:54  54 But when this perishable body will have become imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then what is written will happen: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”55 “Death, where is your sting? Hades,[h] where is your victory?” 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the Lord’s work, because you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. for example: We go to a spiritual gathering and we see that the people are stuck with their belief system and they argue or fight that the Lord said it this way or the Lord meant it in another manner trying to enforce the law (or their belief). The law cannot be enforced, the Bible cannot be enforced. What should we do then? We must first understand love and then engage (or commit) ourselves to love.
In a church, in a denomination, in an organisation, in a gathering there must be many lessons on love and when all of us become love and each one of us accepts the other (as they are) then we will see what Christ did, how He did it and what He said. If we put the law ahead of love then we will have many problems in our life because each one of us will look to see if the other is applying the law and to what extent, one will involve himself into the life of the other (usually without being invited) and each one of us will think of ourselves as better than the other and there will be no end to all of this. Therefore in our gatherings (in our group) we study love, we learn the basics and then we go back and ask our brothers and sisters how they understood this (verse). I understood it like this. It is nice what you are saying. And, you how do you understand it? I understood it like this, oh wow that is a nice way of seeing it also.  Greatness lies in the fact that we have love, we don’t argue and we can sit at lunchtime (or any other time for that matter) and we eat together!
The wise Solomon said, 12 Seek not death in the error of your life: and pull not upon yourselves destruction with the works of your hands. 13 For God made not death: neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the living. 14 For he created all things, that they might have their being: and the generations of the world were healthful; and there is no poison of destruction in them, nor the kingdom of death upon the earth: 15 (For righteousness is immortal:) 16 But ungodly men with their works and words called it to them: for when they thought to have it their friend, they consumed to nought, and made a covenant with it, because they are worthy to take part with it. My brothers and sisters, the time has come for death to leave, (we see in I Corinthians 15:22) For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.

The way we can stop death is by first stopping to make the mistakes, sin. It is written that we die because we deserted God’s principles and from God’s wisdom. In other words in word we are Christians but in our works we are filled with passions, self-interests, wickedness and devilish ego. (in reality we are idolaters). This as well as many other factors create within us sin which brings forth death. The wages ( or as I would like to say the payments) for sin is death. An investor is needed. (Here Thomas uses the word ependiti which literally translated means two things. 1) it is an outerwear or a covering the way Peter wore when he saw Jesus after the resurrection and 2) an investor or investment.) We found the investment. It is dedication, it is the sanctuary, it is the regenerative teaching. The best investor of them all is Christ. From today onwards, let us study His wisdom word for word. This wisdom entitles and enables life to defeat death. It is written in Timothy 2 1:10,  10 but has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the Good News.  

This is our mission, to preach life with our life. We are not seeking the miracles which are but for a little while and then we get sick again but we want to become the world’s miracle. How will we do this? By following God’s wisdom.

On a side note, do you remember a certain man named Lazarus? He was brought back to life by Jesus after being dead for four days. What happened to him after being resurrected? History tells us that he died again. Most likely because he never fully adopted Christ’s teachings of eternal life. If he had just decided to follow the apostle John, he would probably still be living today. 

7. In the Voice of God, we are working daily to create within the sanctuary with the help of  the Holy Spirit, a regenerative teaching which we offer freely. This teaching has the power to change the brain’s biochemical processes or functions just by listening to it. By listening we acquire new neurons and this changes everything.  In this manner the Word becomes experiential (practical), our genes will be talking of God instead of us, and as natural consequence the tree of life will energize and come to life within us through sanctification. The tree of life is within us but there is a sword made up of many smaller swords that revolves around the tree of life not allowing us to taste of its fruits. This sword with the many smaller swords within it are our passions, our weaknesses, our ego, our wickedness, our self interests. Our lack of knowledge, our ignorance.
All these knives within the sword must be abolished by all of us so that we can freely enjoy the tree of life’s splendid fruits. In order to succeed in all of this, the regenerative teachings must be hitting our ears consistently. The Word of God as well as the regenerative teachings of the Voice of God give life because they come from God’s spirit which gives life. By us having continual indulgence and reconciliation with the Word of God and the Voice of God (the act of recognizing our old bad ways, coming to peace with them and amending them for the better) then the reason is created to abolish physical death from within us and resurrect the tree of life. With God’s wisdom death stops making its presence felt and our life becomes more valuable. God’s councillor is God’s wisdom and whoever asks for it in the evening or at night by the next morning as they exit their house they will encounter it. (I remember once a lady who was praying the whole night for the lord to give her love. In the morning when she woke up, she sees the neighbour throwing garbage in front of her house. She then got angry and started to scold her and tell her all kinds of things. When she returned back into her house, she heard God’s voice saying, “did you not ask me to give you love? This is what I have done, why are you screaming so much? I placed your neighbour to throw garbage at your door so that you can take it across the street to where the garbage bins are.)
Didn’t Christ do the same? Did he not lift all our sins? He was filled with garbage so we can breathe. It is in this manner that death (as well as all its warning symptoms like disease) stops making its presence felt and our life starts gaining importance. We start to take deep breaths, beautiful breaths filled with God’s spirit. My brothers and sisters, God came into this world to educate us the way to defeat death, in John 14:12 we see Christ saying, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Our brother Zafiri named the sanctuary as the voluntary passion that can help someone defeat any passion. This is important, our sacrifice is not to die but to enter into silence. With this we become into the image of God and in God’s eyes, He sees it as a sufficient sacrifice  because with silence and with the sanctuary we can defeat the (negative aspects of this) world and its desires. We can achieve this! It is one thing to talk about God and quite another to live Him. This is something we must make happen today that we have the time. We are a spiritual family and our objective is to become God’s family. There are many families, but let each family ask itself: what is its goal? Why is it alive? What is it seeking? I hope that we are not seeking to be liked by the world but by the living God. The time has come therefore to make investments into this God and to become owners of the fruits, the gifts and the signs (that he gives to those that love and obey Him). Only in this manner my brothers and sisters does a family gain importance or worth, otherwise its members become enemies living under the same roof.  

8. In the Voice of God, we do not wish to cause any disturbance or show off in any manner.  We do not want to change anyone’s self interest. We have simply chosen to live today and for eternity with God and do what He wants us to do. Our intentions are not to seek for the spreading of God’s Word, but for God to spread His word when He wills it. In the Voice of God we live with silence. In silence we spend our time daily studying God’s principles. In so doing we create a spiritual boom - or a knock to God. It is written in Matthew 7:7: Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you. This God eventually comes into our lives. Our life my brothers and sisters is but a test. If we get tested enough with God then the time will come where we are freed and we start living and experiencing a real life. If we don't have God, we continually get tested but this testing is like a scourging leading us to a merciless death. If we change then the world around us will change. Therefore if we get to experience God by being in our sanctuary, the whole world gets to experience God thanks to us. In other words, God changes us as well as the world around us. When we serve silence we give God a reason to come into our lives. It is only with silence that we can ensure life. Silence contains within it unimaginable concepts and meanings. Once my spiritual elder told me, if you leave from earth and go into space, what will you encounter? Silence. This is God, silence.

God speaks, and when He speaks the foundations shake. We speak from morning to night and no one listens to us, it is as if we were speaking a different language, we don’t have that authority, that power. When we get to understand the great value present in silence then and only then will God have a reason to give us life and introduce Himself to us. It is one thing for us to barge into other people’s lives and quite another for God to unite us. Moreover, let us remember that whoever we chose to have in our lives either by our weaknesses or any other reason, will tire us and we will lose our time and our years. Whoever God brings into our lives, they will lift our burden and give us rest. And one other thing. God never threatened, he never insisted egotistically, He never tried to pressure people to follow Him. ( Two thousand years have passed and He still has not made His presence. He lets us be free. He tells us that here is the law and the prophets). He always stated, “Whoever wants to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” (Mark 8:34). Let us not think that we have a large cross to bear because Christ bore our cross. Our ignorance and our lack of understanding has burdened us with a big cross.

9.  In the Voice of God, we do not preach with our words but with our actions. Our actions are to give life to our mind and body with God’s spirit which is life giving. A life giving spirit means:
John 11:43-44, “Lazarus, come out! He who was dead came out”
Mark 3:5, “Stretch out your hand. He stretched it out, and his hand was restored as healthy as the other.”
Luke 7:14-15, He said, “Young man, I tell you, arise!” He who was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he gave him to his mother.
How does this spirit give life? With dedication. Dedication means, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” Matthew 8:20. The only thing that Christ cared about was to do God’s will. He does not tell us to not have a home. He gave us so that we may have everything, to have Abraham’s and Isaac’s purity and goodness. The  only thing needed of us is to fix a room “a sanctuary” in our home that will be our altar where we will sacrifice our bad self so that the spiritual stench leaves and is replenished by God’s fragrance. Dedication means,  He said to another, “Follow me!” But he said, “Lord, allow me first to go and bury my father.” But Jesus said to him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead, but you go and announce God’s Kingdom.” It’s as if Jesus was telling him that there is no reason, no crying, no sorrow, or sadness is needed.  King David had one child and it got sick. He was running day and night to make him well, he was praying, he was sacrificing, etc. When the child died, he said, it is ended let us go bury the child and set a table to eat. Therefore as long as a person is alive he needs us, if he dies he has no need of us. As long as a person lives, let us stand next to them, if they die, from there on let the Lord give him rest and resurrect him on the day that Lord choses. Dedication means,  Another also said, “I want to follow you, Lord, but first allow me to say goodbye to those who are at my house.” But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for God’s Kingdom.” (luke 9:61-62). In other words, the lord has opened us a path, why should we turn back, and where should we go? We could make a stop. A stop we said is like a gas station where we go to replenish for a long trip. We then start again and go forward to win. What do we win? We defeat corruption, sin, lack of knowledge, and ignorance. We bring God into our lives, This is our goal. With dedication we become well within a short period of time. To be well in today’s world is a big miracle, and I don’t mean that I am well because my medical examinations are good. Being well means spiritually, mentally, psychologically, emotionally, socially, and experientially. When we display all this, of which can be ensured only by God’s word then this will be the miracle and this will be more than enough for us to become the reason for the whole world to change and for our fellow men to accept the words we utter. People must first see our lives and then they can accept our words (or preaching). If our words are more far reaching than our lives then we will be betrayed and we will falter. Let us become the world’s miracle. Amen.

10. In the Voice of God we base our struggle on humility. With it we create and develop situations where God can meet with us. Humility can be summarized from the bible in this verse found in Luke 17:10:  Even so you also, when you have done all the things that are commanded you, say, “We are unworthy servants. We have done our duty.”  Christ was asked what were the greatest commandments in the law in Matthew 22:36, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” 37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 A second likewise is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’  Now let me throw an example: If you go out of your way to help someone, would you not have done the same for yourself? The command states to love someone as yourself so if you did help someone almost or the same as if you would have helped yourself are you not fulfilling God’s command? Say to yourself that you are an unworthy servant and you are just doing what God asked you to do. There is a little trick in this thinking. If you do talk to yourself like this you do not open the door for expectation to come in which is closely followed by his friends called frustration, anger, resentment etc.. All emotions that are joy killers, peace disturbers and all capable of shortening one’s life. By humbling yourself you shield yourself from this arsenal of weapons that life attacks you with.
It is with humility that we ensure God’s blessing. It is written, “but to this man will I look, even to he who is poor and of a remorseful spirit, and who trembles at my word. Humility also means that deep down in our spirit and in our soul to not feel as if we were someone special or we are doing something special. Let us just simply have happiness and thank the Lord for finding use in us in creating the structure of His Kingdom.

11. In the Voice of God we study love. We know and understand that this exceeds every human and divine law that was told before becoming known. 

With love we shield our life from all the burning arrows of the wicked one, because love tolerates everything,  believes everything, hopes for everything.  Whoever has love does not get offended because love accepts you as you are. It does not try to change you. With love we ensure and preserve our lives as well as those around us. If we cannot grasp the surpassing way as  Paul wrote in (Corinthians 12:31) that love can create then the devil with the law will create division, separation, offences, wickedness. It is written, in the bible woe unto those who cause offence and woe unto those who get offended. Both people suffer loss. Yet with love we don’t offend and we don’t get offended. Love is preemptive and preventive this is why we should study daily the hymn of love, so that we may become love. Those who do not study or live with love, and have not understood its worth hurt themselves and whoever is around them with decrees, with laws and with supposed spiritual advancements. First let us study love and then lets talk about everything else present in the spiritual world. Without love, everything else is gossip, they may have value but are of little  benefit to our genes. Amen. 

12. In the Voice of God, we don’t want to change anyone neither do we consider ourselves better.
We believe that God changes a person and the world, but this God calls a person to partake of His glory. It is written in Romans (9:16)  So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who has mercy. Now in hearing this someone will be disillusioned in believing that no matter how hard they try, God may not choose them or enlighten them. This cannot be farther from the truth. Let me explain: Say you are seeking for something, a new car. You are working hard, saving your money, shopping around for pricing etc. There are factors way beyond your control that will prevent you from ever getting the car you want no matter how hard you try, like maybe the car company goes bankrupt, the car company discontinues the model you like, there is a recall, etc but if your path is towards God, ie you study Him, you read His word, you practice love by helping others whenever you can, God will provide the means and the way for you to get an even better car than you imagined. What seems to others as luck or circumstance is really a touch of God’s blessing. He paves the way to make all in your life possible. Now some may argue that they know atheists that get everything they want. This also is true because God made us in His image, He gave us the power of faith whether we use it for our benefit or detriment. An example of a faith gone wrong is Noah. Noah it says was a just man but do you really think God wanted to destroy the people and creatures that He created? Noah believed in the destruction of the people around Him by a great flood. He fortified his faith by building a ship that can house him and those he thought worthy (his family members) during the flood. He spent 100 years building and believing that this flood will come. The flood did come.  Jesus though came to us to show us a better way. He said to have the faith that He talks about but practice love so that you may lift up your brothers and sisters with you. This is far superior a concept and necessary tool to build God’s Kingdom. Those who practice faith and love will receive God’s mercy.

In the Voice of God we know that God’s spirit works wherever it wants. We speak of all matters relating to God because when we hear them, they set us free. If we listen to God’s word once a year, that one time when we will hear it, we will come to our senses a little. If we listen to the Word continually, it will benefit us a lot. Therefore let us not act like saviors or smart ones or big shots. We are carrying out our work.  If we act like saviours, we will be running in one direction and God will be running in another. The reason we don’t need to speak about God is because we are influenced by the world and we will be speaking according to our wants and at the same time we will be judging everyone by their looks and not by rightful judgement. We judge with weaknesses yet God judges and looks into everyone’s heart. If we try to run ahead of God and what Thomas means by this is trying to pressure people to follow God, we lose God because we run to our desires and to our weaknesses yet God runs to wherever the field is ready. Let us always remember, it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who has mercy.

13. In the Voice of God we do not carry out cures, or miracles nor are we miracle workers. In the Voice of God we simply pray for our needs and the needs of our brothers and sisters and we hope for God’s mercy. The reason why we don’t do miracles or cures is because in the Voice of God we are commanded to become the miracle of this world through regeneration. We become the miracle in regeneration by studying God’s word, seeing Jesus as an example, reading the teachings of the Voice of God and slowly but surely we stop getting headaches, we stop getting sick, we become more stable in our emotions, we lose fear, anger, stress. Our body starts to feel better. We start feeling happier, we expect less from people and more from ourselves. We forgive easier. This is what Thomas means when he says that we become the miracle.

God does not like us acting as miracle workers, as superiors, as the chosen ones, as the ones who are supposedly going to bring salvation, as the ones who are supposedly taking out demons because those who claim to have the power to remove demons actually have more demons inside them than anyone else. The devil is able to hide himself. We have heard of the small foxes that eat away at the vineyard unbeknownst to the vinedresser (farmer). Miracles are like fireworks and are quickly forgotten. Regeneration is the greatest miracle. Regeneration does the miracle for us because we don’t have to present or introduce God (to anyone) with our words but with our actions and with our lives.  As such we offer God generously to everyone because every one sees and feels God within them. Let me explain: when you see a good action, a person helping an elder cross the street, or a person offering food to a beggar, this touches you because God resides inside you. The action touches upon the good that is in everyone. The manner in which we can succeed in regeneration is by deciding to hold on with all our strength in the application of God’s Word (into our lives) through our continual immersion and interaction with God’s Word and the regenerative teachings of the Voice of God. Regenerative teaching is whatever gives us life. It is proven that the Gospel once applied, offers health, offers life, offers to the brother and sister everything effortlessly.

The greatest gift to man is to see one person or many people living with God. Whoever lives with God becomes an example to imitate, she becomes a tree where everyone gathers and finds food and rest. Whoever seeks God with truth will find Him. God is not partial. (meaning He does not cater to just a few, He serves and loves everyone). Let us become the miracle that the world today is seeking, because everyone is seeking for a miracle, a solution, but a solution cannot be found because there is no person of God. A person of God must be found. It is one thing for everyone to heal themselves through the Word and quite another to for us to want to heal others or have others heal us. It is not possible for us to heal someone if we have not first healed ourselves. Whoever acts like the chosen one or the healer will sooner or later get sick and his ugliness will be quickly revealed. Here Thomas calls ego ugly because it truly is ugly, in how it lifts a person to feeling as if he is something great only to bring them down to the pits of despair. Have you ever seen a boxer or mma fighter think that he is indestructible or unbeatable they suffer the worst punishment from their opponents. Case in point with the MMA fighter Ronda Rousey where she was at the top of her game, feeling and acting as she was invincible only to be silenced by Holly Holm. She suffered a great depression after that and it showed in her subsequent fights.

Whoever is really a healer actually presents God and shows the way how he himself got healed so that any one else can get healed who has need of healing. Surely we like miracles but for God to give us that power, we must be able to properly use it and have the wisdom to know where and when to use it. Christ Himself made miracles when He had His Father’s permission and He would tell those who were healed not to say it to anyone. Christ had great spiritual foundations, and as it says in Hebrews 5:8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; He was not in danger from ego when doing miracles. What Thomas is saying is that Jesus did not have to worry about His ego getting inflated when He carried out miracles. Something which would have surely brought His fall. There are many that claim that they do miracles from morning to night. Naturally this is a lie. With this lie, they entrap weak minded individuals (those who are easily influenced) and they manipulate situations and those who have need. My brothers and sisters, even the common market does not have produce for the whole day. Miracles are for those who are spiritually young children. For older spiritual children there is the sanctuary, silence, study, training, Golgotha - which means carrying your cross, regeneration, repentance, sacrifice, offering, love, and God’s wisdom. All of these create the biggest miracle. I once said, God if only I had the gift of healing, I would heal everyone. God responded and said, “I would not want you to be destroyed my child.” Listen to this wisdom. When we question whether something is right, don’t you think that God himself would not have done it? Since He is not doing it, it means that He wants something else from him who is afflicted and that is for him to live and function as God. In this manner we will all reveal the grace of healing. Let us select the lawful path which is sanctification. Whoever acts as high and mighty let him remember this, passage in Matthew 7:22-23 ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works?’ 23 Then I will tell them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you who work iniquity.’

For 30 years now I have seen many who carried out miracles - at least that is what they thought, yet in the end they ended up at the doctors. God does not give us everything at the beginning. Time is required as well, when someone asks for help we should have the clarity to show them the way to get well by leading them to God, to the sanctuary so that this brother will owe his eternal glory to God and not to us.  Let us all be taught by God and conformant to His ways and have Him as a teacher in our lives. It is one thing for someone to make us well and quite another for him to teach us God. Christ’s disciples did not need miracles because they followed Him. Those who needed the miracles where the passersby. Are we the passersby or the students? If we are students then God says “follow me”. Only God can teach us to always be well and for us not to be lead to a dead end.

14. In the Voice of God we study and learn every day. We have understood that what we know is little in comparison to God’s wisdom. Our doctrine is ignorance. Meaning that we really don’t know anything.  This is true because who can boast that they know God? When (God) created, how did he make man, and all of creation? Who can know all this? What is God’s nature? What is His chemistry? What is His biology? What is His geography? He enlightened us to know only a small portion of His wisdom.

15. In the Voice of God, our goal is to reach a point where everyone of us together with repentance, regeneration and sanctification can have God live within us. Afterwards without abusing (our powers) to be able to actualize our words when needed, paying attention though because the devilish ego is always lurking to steal our body and soul. (Actualizing means for us to say something and it gets done. To say to your child or loved one be healed of this sickness and for this sickness to disappear etc.) The fullness of time has absolutely arrived. Our mission is to regenerate, to enter the sanctuary, to study, to repent, to change. Now you may ask where shall we reach? We will reach the point where our words get actualized and we will have the power to defeat whatever corrupts us and whatever destroys life. And something else which is important, for God to like us. Whatever we do, let us not do it because we like it although that is important or for others to like it but for God to like it. May it be amen.

16. In the Voice of God, whatever good exists in the world, we support it, we embrace it, we reinforce it. We know that  every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights as is written in James 1:17. This pure and good needs to evolve or else it becomes a dogma since it never became love. Let me explain. In the Greek Orthodox church forty days prior to easter, people lent, this is done in memory of the 40 day fast that Jesus undertook in the wilderness. It originally evolved from a pure deed but now without love it has become a dogma, whereby one can eat everything but meat and dairy products and everyone finds themselves at the grocery store checking the ingredients of every product to see if there are animal by products inside the item that they are buying. God’s love has long since left this lenting process. But like Thomas says this could have evolved with love. People could have said that I will carry out actions of kindness and love during the forty days of lent which I normally would not have. I will visit and serve in a food kitchen. I will find out what the homeless need (for example:socks) and I will go buy two dozen pairs and give them to wear etc.. This is how something pure evolves with love to become something greater.

Now whatever bad exists in the world, we do not support it but we know that it is part of God’s wisdom since this bad educates us. Indeed for one or many who have salvation as their destination, the bad and the good nourishes them and it exists because God built the world into night and day, good and bad, life and death etc. Everything is intended to become good. He made everything with wisdom. We also understand that whatever we see today as being wrong will eventually be changed into something holy. This is why we should not see mistakes or even seek to look for error or judge things. Furthermore, when we received the calling, we understood that we had within us the bad. Likewise around us the bad exists and likewise with us the good and holy embraced us, this is how it will embrace millions of other people. With that spirit, our whole life changes since everything works together for the good and pure. This is what we should hope for ourselves, for our fellow man, for our friend and for our enemy. In this manner we bring peace to ourselves and we ensure God in our lives since He is counseling us that everything works towards the good. Amen. This one time when I met Jesus, when I saw Him, I asked myself, dear God how do you shine so bright? He answered, Thomas, I accept everything, learn to accept everything, because everything works for the good. From that moment on, I made the decision not to judge anything and accept everything, my soul is at peace and my life improved on many levels. 

17. In the Voice of God when God wills us to be in the presence of brothers and sisters of different dogmas and religions to talk about spiritual matters we don’t necessarily have to quote scripture so that we may indicate what is supposedly right or wrong because what is right or wrong for each person is relative to their spiritual level and is judged accordingly. Right and wrong therefore is relative. Let’s look at this from God’s eyes, what is right for a person is to study God’s word day and night or to do good works. For someone else doing what is right is in fact doing something else for example, watching television, going here or there. We will respect this. God does the same, He respects it. The reason why we must do this is because we in the past also lived differently and today we also live differently. The brother or sister who currently does not want to involve himself with what we believe as right, in other words with God, who knows tomorrow he or she can become a saint. We will have this pure and holy faith for everyone. In other words we will believe that everyone can become the miracle no matter who they are today. When someone gives us the floor to speak, then and only then will we state what we believe without imposing. We will always speak with love, with goodness, with hope, with politeness. We will always hide the mistakes, we will not insult, we will not use profanity, we will not contradict, we will simply listen to the others and say our opinion. I would like to add something else, (we will not even state our opinion without being asked). If they do ask, we will say that God is working in our lives. We will never say our opinion so that we may change someone or to suppose to anyone that we know what is right or wrong. God will change everyone with His way. In the Voice of God we know that God gave to every person a different mission, all of them though are holy and all of them are changing in order to bring forth humbleness, or to reveal His glory. There is a time to plant, to water and to harvest. Let us always understand  that all missions will change for better or for worse. Whoever has salvation as a destination, will quickly go from good to better to the perfect. The perfect is for God to liberate you. This is centered around two things:
1)   Whoever God liberates, will be liberated and
2)   Blessed is he whom God does not consider any sin
For someone to achieve this, they must work spiritually so that they may evolve in and towards God.

My brothers and sisters,  in the beginning, in its birth all of Creation was filled with embryos that transformed and became people, animals, the aquatic world, etc. and this is continually taking place. Before that, there was nothing but God’s Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:1) and yet today we see the world that exists. This therefore implies that God is working and is continuing to work because in God’s Word we see it mentioned that there are terrestrial bodies and heavenly bodies. The glory is different for a terrestrial body and for a heavenly body. Since we have yet to receive the body of glory, the heavenly body we will not act smart or play it smart. We need the Comforter. This is what we are working for today in the Voice of God,  since God gave us a burning desire not to die. God activated within us His spirit and we want to make it grow within us.  As it says in the Book of II Corinthians chapter 5 verse 4, for indeed we who are in this tent do groan, being burdened; not that we desire to be unclothed, but that we desire to be clothed, that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. God brought forth life and incorruptibility through the Gospel. In the Word of God; life exists, incorruptibility exists, Christ exists. Great love for God will defeat death. The Jews had slowly-slowly lost their love towards God, and instead of sacrificing their first and best lamb for God they were sacrificing all the sick ones, so this was not pleasing because it concealed deceit. Likewise we should not present or display a half love but a full love to God.

My brothers and sisters, when Elisha saw Elijah the prophet a person like the rest of us going up to heaven, who at that moment took from God - that is he received from God the body of glory, cried out:  “My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” (2 kings 2:12) Here, however, Elisha was speaking of Elijah and declaring that the real strength and the ultimate protection and defense of Israel lay in the ministry of this great prophet. Why? Because he was a herald of the Word of the Lord. He was also the head of the schools of the prophets, the place where other teachers of the Word were trained and prepared to minister the Word to others. One man like Elijah who is with God becomes a nation’s or many nations’ army and this he demonstrated with his works just like the Lord demonstrated with His works. My brothers and sisters, God will call, will regenerate and will evolve people. If we belong to His wisdom, to His glory, to His classroom, to His school then let us be sure that we will be transformed and we will be spiritually clothed because this is a promise of the end times. Everything that is written is taking place in our time. If we research the bible a little bit we will see that we are actually in the end times. The tree has started to bring forth leaves. Life (eternal and immortal life) and the Gospel of the Kingdom is being preached all over the world. We are all aware of this. God has brought this to life through the Holy Spirit, because we have been with Him from the beginning of time. All of this means evolution for all of us, regeneration, godliness. Therefore let us make the relevant struggle slowly - slowly knowing that we will encounter everyone who truthfully serves the good. Not the fanatics. Fanatics are like beheaded people, they function without a mind without a brain.

Many people run right and left to meet people of god, but they meet people who  cause them suffering. We do not need to run anymore, because now we can become the people of God, we can become holy. In the past we went to see the holy, now the time has come for us to be holy. It is written, “You shall be holy; for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16). Let us do God’s will by studying His wisdom in silence, in the sanctuary  until we create Christ’s mind and we will be certain that He will unite us with His children. Moreover He has called all of us and we are all His children. Let us bring forth our mission. Our mission as it states in (Matthew 7:5) is to first remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.

God is the designer and the contractor of the world. Let us do our job and have love for everyone. Do not use the bible with the law, because it was given in the beginning through Moses on Mount Sinai but later on God through the apostle Paul reveals another path which he names the superior path and it is none other than love. We know that love tolerates and accepts all, our love is what makes us feel more comfortable. With love we can spread ourselves everywhere. With love we can fit anywhere without pressure because we do not see fault (or mistakes) and we accept everything. I will say something personal. When I began my spiritual life, I would impose myself into other peoples’ lives and I tried to pressure them to follow God with my way, because the organization that I was with had taught me that if I bring a lot of people to God I will be saved. When I got to know God, He told me, you will live in the sanctuary and I will connect you with brothers and sisters, with My children. Today I am seeing this miracle. Even here in Agrinio (where Thomas lives) I see children coming without me ever having said to them something spiritual. Even at this time, now that we are talking to whom did I go speak to about what I am doing, whom did I try to pressure? I am sure that God has united us and I believe that we are all His children. We have the same spirit and this is why He united us. It is written You will also testify, because you have been with me from the beginning. John 15:27 We are not all manipulated but born of God. Do you know something, God once showed me a building. In other words He showed me the life of a spiritual person and that of the whole world from the beginning of time until the time that God came down to earth to reign with those who are His redeemed and I will show with an example for us to understand what is meant by evolution, which was in God’s mind and continues to exist today since this is what will lead us to His image and likeness. God showed me a large residential building in front of me, which had 10 floors underground and 10 floors above ground. When He had called me (into this spiritual work) I found myself around the middle. He allowed me though to see what was happening on the bottom levels through the Holy Spirit (in other words Thomas saw a vision sort of a movie playing in front of his eyes) and consequently showing the progression of our global history.  This is why there is a history of the world and the history of God, so we can derive from it wisdom.

I went therefore to the bottom levels. At the last one on the bottom, I went to see the people - animals. On a higher level I saw people killing one another so they can survive, higher up I saw people living in idolatry, with sacrifices etc. Higher up they were cultivating the earth and discovering iron, copper, etc. Higher up they were creating progress, higher up something else until I found myself in my period of time. We have evolved as humans, but there are above us (on the higher levels) other advancements spiritual, biological, emotional, material, scientific etc. God took me by grace from where I was and I saw the last floor. God Himself was on this last floor. On it, people were living with God and happiness was indescribable, there was no problem there. God showed me the future. Since I witnessed it, He said do it now what you see on the highest floor. We could make the future present today because we live in democratic societies with freedom of speech and religious tolerance. If therefore we see the future as presented in the Voice of God and we make it present, we immediately reach the top level and find God. On the way we can find other brothers and sisters who understand that change is needed, God Himself enlightened them. With them we can live God’s future. Whatever we preach today in the Voice of God and in this speech come from the future. This is why in the Voice of God there are no rivalries, dogmas, fanaticism, superiors or inferiors. All of these exist on the lower levels of this residential building. Whoever goes through the floors - levels, quickly finds us and we find them. Amen. God regenerates, God evolves, God creates a future to everyone of us. All we need to do is to ask. Let us insist on prayer and supplication (deification), continuing steadfast in the  redemption of our souls and of our bodies. Let us live with all of this so that we may have a future. May it be amen.

18. In the Voice of God we don’t criticize anyone and the reason why is because we are putting the effort to remove the beam in us and not the thorn in someone else. It is written, in Matthew 7:5 First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye. Ours He calls a beam and the brother’s is a speck. In other words He puts the onus and responsibility on us. If we see it the other way around we don’t see it with God’s eyes but with the world’s eyes. May it not be! There is a little trick here that Jesus uses by injecting humility. He wants to say to see yourself having a bigger problem than anyone else. This will humble you when you are trying to correct someone. By thinking that you have a smaller problem or fault than someone else, you will most likely feel entitled to try to change someone who you think has a greater fault.

The people of this world always criticize and see fault, yet in God’s country people only see fault in themselves and they try to correct it. Also in the Voice of God we do not wish to blame anyone or judge anyone or anything because we know that God will judge the world. Whoever judges has the passport to death upon them, he does not have a future and he becomes unwittingly an abomination, evil. Judgement as it is referred to in the Book of Revelations chapter 12 verses 9 and 10 is the great dragon, The great dragon was thrown down, the old serpent, he who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation, the power, and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ has come; for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them before our God day and night. Therefore we must not enter into foreign fields, this is a Greek expression which means that we should mind our own business. Whatever happens in our lives  comes to us from God, it is His decision. Let us understand that God hides behind people’s decisions that today seem like they were carried by people with their own self interest in mind. Whatever decision is made is  God’s decision. Let us be of God so we can understand His plan, otherwise we will be punching air. God will make one decision for those who harbour sin and another decision for those who are of God. In other words God will take one decision for those who practice lawlessness and another decision for those who practice righteousness. We have many examples of this, I will just refer to one.

Let us remember in Exodus when God informed Moses that He will harden the Pharaoh’s heart yet with the people that Moses had, God was working with big miracles. In both instances God acted to show His omnipotence. He acted without the knowledge of those who served their personal interests, in this case the Pharaoh but in the knowledge of those who demanded and wanted justice (Moses and the people who wanted freedom). So all in all we are meant to be born again and to reach our goal, our destination. May it be amen. There are changes that appear to be from people. There are changes that appear to be from God, but we know that even one hair does not fall without the will of God and everything comes from Him for our own progress and advancement as well as that of the world’s. May it be amen.

19. In the Voice of God we know that even though there are those who do not do the same work like us, for us they are still our spiritual brothers and sisters and our embrace will fit them and if spiritually we don’t have the same mission, this should not mean anything to us. Whoever works for the good is our brother and sister. For all of us, this world belongs to God and everyone is evolving like us. Let us not forget that God’s vineyard requires a lot of workers and many different tasks for example: one plants, one waters, and God increases. In a material family people exist with various titles. Likewise in a spiritual family people exist with different missions. This should create in us just happiness and not sadness. We should not want everyone doing the same as we are doing. Let us not be fanatical as to what we should do in our lives and what others should do, for example: when we are working various works with various people we are like a symphonic orchestra playing with many instruments.

The arranger (who is God) has the ability to synchronize these instruments so that the viewer - listener remains ecstatic. Whoever dogmatizes his life and is fanatical about it is like someone playing just one instrument. Playing just one instrument is good yet with many and various instruments a symphonic orchestra is made possible. And one last thing. Whoever does not have the same mission like us, let us understand that we have the same creating entity, our God and Father. We are all  brothers and sisters biologically (even if we are not spiritually), even with our enemies. Therefore we may not be spiritual but we are biological brothers and sisters, just like in a family where two or three siblings may differ spiritually yet they are siblings because they have the same parents. It is the same spiritually whereby we have a different mission but we are siblings since we all have the same creating entity, God. I once saw a vision. I saw that the Lord had a large estate as he had many children. The children had different names such as, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, Pentecost, etc. The estate was God’s vineyard. In the estate many and different tasks had to be carried out. One needed to  enclose it, another needed to plant the vines, another needed to fix the wine press, another needed to drill in order to find water, another needed to water, another needed to till the soil, another needed to prune etc.  There were many and different tasks and they were all from God. In this estate therefore I saw God calling all His children so that they may each  have one of these tasks to do. These children were working at their tasks but they were also fighting amongst themselves and boasting to each other of how they knew God. (that each one knew Him so well). They had fought to a point where they were not speaking to each other. I also saw in this vineyard that there were many signs that would talk of love but no one was paying attention to them and everyone was telling their own. (meaning that everyone had their own thoughts). When the time came that the Father had laid out the table with the fatted calf, He called all His children  to sit and eat. Those who were not getting along in the vineyard, and remained aggravated or hostile, never made it to the table to enjoy the fatted calf (which is a symbol of love). Those who were paying attention and reading the signs about love, managed to sit at the table with the father to eat together with Him the fatted calf.  Those therefore that blend in anywhere, have a mission of love, have a mission of life.  Today we see many negative events taking place around us. I have learnt from God to call them pimples that break out in the body so that they may receive treatment, antibiotics.   When an event takes place which we hear on television and it agitates us, let us understand that it is a blister (or abscess) which broke and the reason why it broke is because some people need to be careful until they could heal it, to grant it antibiotics, to correct it so that it does not get larger, because the world we live in, is not of God’s yet but it will be, this is why all these events advise us, they correct us and result in us reaching our destination. There are many diseases (you can call them scandals in human societies) that are hidden, yet someday they come to light. It is the same for all negative events, they appear so that nations can take measures so that the whole body (meaning the whole world) does not get infected. May it be amen.

20. In the Voice of God we know that in the world which we live in, whatever happens to us belongs to God’s wisdom. Which means it is part of God’s plan. It is written, in Romans 8:28, We know that all things work together for good for those who love God. Whatever decision taken by the people who run the world today is for us God’s decision. There is a time to talk, and a time for silence, a time to sow and a time to harvest. We know that whoever and whenever they meet to convene their secrets, God is aware of it and whatever decision is taken will be God’s, even if we don’t like it. This is how we always keep peace and God within us. I will say something for our benefit. One time I was at my cabin, my sanctuary and I hear God’s voice saying, Thoma listen a little to what they are saying. Somewhere in the world there was a conference. No one could have attended this conference unless they were invited. Through speakers that were not powered on at my chalet, I heard what was being said in that area which was supposedly secret. Therefore if at that moment I knew something imagine what God knows. He knows everything! Understand therefore that when God wants to reveal something, nobody can conceal it (but all things are naked and laid open before the eyes of him to whom we must give an account. Hebrews 4:13). Simply put, God is not the bad one, He does not want to humble us and insult us. He is the one that will create situations in order to regenerate us. With all of this, with God in our lives, with these principles we can keep peace within us. When we keep peace then we keep Christ. Christ is the prince of peace, king of love, peace and righteousness of the order of Melchizedek who was without father, without mother and without genealogy. With peace we have God in us and wherever we may go, to whichever house, we should also say peace be in this house. Whichever brother sees mistakes or errors, has not understood that God hides behind  all of that yet they try to adjust or correct that which they see as wrong. It does not correct because there is one that corrects errors, the doctor of souls and bodies. Whoever sees error, has not known God. Those who shout have not understood anything. We having all this under consideration can under all circumstances have peace and God’s grace will always surround us.  Without God’s grace we cannot even take the first step. Since God has called us, let us have an indescribable joy because God finishes what he starts. And God has called us, we are His creation, we are at the forefront of preaching the gospel of the Kingdom.

21. In the Voice of God when we visit someone’s home, we will not go in with a crafty or wicked spirit or with anything negative or bad that others placed on us. (for example someone talking badly about the person we are going to see) or whatever bad we conjured in our minds about this person or with the spirit of trying to correct this person to whom we are paying a visit.  We will go to someone’s home only with God’s spirit. If not let us not go at all because we impart or pass on spiritual diseases which not only sicken our soul and our body but also of those who we meet there. If we all listen to the bad and we work it, we will suffer and we will always be sick. May it not be! Christ said, in Luke 10-5, Into whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’ and for peace to come we must first grasp everything we say, let us become peacemakers and with this spirit we can go to whatever house we wish to without transmitting demons, without getting our fellow man sick, and without causing them to worry. Let us avoid words and actions that can scandalize or insult our brothers and sisters.

If someone insults us because they don’t have a spiritual level, it means that Christ has not called him. We will accept his insults as God’s gift, who at that moment is testing us so we can show our strength in patience, in love, in tolerance, in forbearance when he was cursed, didn’t curse back. When he suffered, didn’t threaten. (1 Peter 2:23). If the insults or offences against us are justified, then let us correct ourselves. The insults that we receive or accept are a gift from God, for us to become better. If they are justified, say thanks if they are unjustified let us also say thanks. We don’t need to explain anything to anyone unless they let us. We don’t want to justify ourselves to people, we want to justify ourselves to God. It is quite a big thing to say “God Knows”. Christ,  when he was cursed, didn’t curse back. When he suffered, didn’t threaten. (1 Peter 2:23). He confronted everything with silence. If we apply this silence, we immediately negate the ego, because all of our problems stem from there. Doing this makes us God’s children.

Fight the bad with the good. The bad can never be corrected with the bad. If we cannot achieve this or we do not like a place (where people offend us) then we have the right to avoid this place. If we can’t avoid a  place then let our silence do the talking, and if you have to talk, use love. I once saw a Christian video. It was a monk who made great speeches. The people that would come to see him would congratulate him saying bravo, how well you say it, bravo, bravo yet he after all the congratulations that he would receive, would get headaches. The head of the monastery (or the abbot) saw him and since the monk had a spiritual question, he decided to help him. He told him, today you will go to the cemetery and when a funeral comes by you will cry over the coffin of the dead man and say, what a good man he was, may god rest his soul. This the monk did several times and loudly. The man who had died though was not a good person but a criminal and those who had accompanied him where all criminals. They therefore thought that the monk was making fun of the deceased and they beat him up badly. When the monk returned, the abbot told  him, that at the next funeral he was to cry out that the person who died was bad. The person who died at the second funeral was a very good person and had helped out many people financially. To this person (and at this funeral) the monk was saying how bad the deceased was. The conclusion was that in both instances he got a beating, because in the first instance a person had died that had killed many people, and his friends thought that the monk was mocking him by saying how good the deceased was and in the second instance a good person died and the monk was saying that he was bad and that the deceased will go to hell and likewise the deceased’s relatives beat him. When the monk returned to the abbot, he complained. The abbot then told the monk that he must live like a dead person because whatever anyone would have told the dead, they would have not replied. When you hear the good and the bad your head will hurt. This represents the beating that you take from the people around you. Let us learn therefore to live in silence and let us not listen to praises or to negativity until we learn to process everything with God’s wisdom. Indeed in this manner, we will learn to escape from headaches and diseases  and many more.

22. In the Voice of God, we will never judge our neighbours whether they live well (in our eyes) or not. It is written, in Romans 14:4, Who are you who judge another’s servant? To his own lord he stands or falls. Yes, he will be made to stand, for God has power to make him stand. Today we find that the human justice system is judging the nation’s people and the world but there is also God’s justice, God’s court. Everything more or less is checked or inspected and the angels check and inspect a lot and are always observing us. When our actions are good, they bless us, when our actions are not good, they train us, they educate us. God is always educating us. Some people call this training, I call it study, school, lesson. Now let us understand that if someone goes away from the justice of man (which is the court system), which in my belief is working well, judges properly and always according to the laws of the land, then sooner or later he will be judged by God’s justice. I hope that God’s justice will be with mercy and for this person not to have evil ego which would make God’s judgement ruthless. May it not be! However even the biggest mistakes can be healed provided that repentance is real. Now you may ask, how can God’s judgement be ruthless? Well God’s judgement is no different for every person but when there is someone who has an unrepentant heart, he continually seeks to harm his neighbour, then there will come a day when a neighbour will repay the harm with even more harm God will allow it in order for the person to learn his lesson.

Today, what we see judging people of various nations and the world is the justice of the people, but there is God’s justice and God’s court. We therefore will not judge. God exists. If we continually judge then we will pay the price. I once read in an old book about a monk that was not abiding by the rules of the monastery. The other brothers were always judging him and complaining about him to the abbot. When the time came for this monk to sleep - or die, the rest of the monks saw that angels come to take his soul they all questioned the event because he did not carry out any rules. The angels then told them that he may not have carried out all the rules but he never judged anyone. The evil found in criticism is very serious and we must all rid it from our lives. Criticism (or judgement) is the greatest element in Ego. Everything else is childish or insignificant in comparison. Many times we also say, look at this person he makes so many mistakes and yet God keeps him well, but we know that God looks at the heart of every person. Another person may be attending church continually yet they have so many problems and the reason being is that he may be more of a hypocrite.

He who makes mistakes becomes a reason for us to learn and we do not need to judge them. Moreover we know today that what is wrong or what is right always change seats. Let me give an example, when you criticize somebody because you feel that what they are doing is wrong, well the day will surely come when you will be doing exactly the same thing. What you deemed as being right in you judging has now changed seats with the wrong that has come from you being subjected to the same judgement.

God has tolerance for all and if our mistakes are great in number then He will always find a reason to embrace us again and to help us. My brothers and sisters, we should cover mistakes as God does. It is written, with whichever judgement you judge, you will be judged. When we give mercy, we become God and we ensure a moral worthiness of knowing what is right and wrong. When we become judges, then we will ensure God’s strictness. In this manner, we fall into evil ego, we develop a strict conscious and then we judge ourselves strictly which is like beating ourselves up. In James 4:6 we see, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Let us be humble. It is difficult to understand egoism and humbleness, but if we study it we will be able to manage it. God’s grace and God Himself accompanies us when we have humility. If we do God’s will with truth, God does not leave us. He has a way of entertaining our lives and removing us from any grief. 

How great is it that with our good works we can have God’s grace as an eternal companion. Here I will say a personal experience of mine. I have been serving God for many years. If at any time I feel sorrow or when I make a mistake and this sadness lurks for a little longer than normal, in other words one or two hours, if I make a spiritual effort with pure intention which God respects but also blesses, I see God bringing many gifts and joy and it is as if he is telling me look what I have here, look what I brought you. In this manner He makes me laugh and the grief, the sadness immediately goes away. Let’s do God’s will and His eyes will be upon us. I wish that God’s mercy follows us (almost like stalking us and not leaving our side) because from the day that the Lord was crucified - He gave His life as a ransom for many and in reality it is stalking us and since it is stalking us let’s not criticize so that the grace, the wisdom, and God grow in our lives. Wisdom does not multiply only with reading, because we could be reading 10 books yet inside us we have anger and as such we lose this wisdom. God’s wisdom multiplies when we implement his commands. Therefore let's put it in action because with whichever judgement we judge, we will be judged.

23. In the Voice of God we must prepare ourselves so that we are able to face temptations or scandals. Preparation comes with God’s wisdom but also with peace. The apostle Paul said when he was faced with a myriad of perils in 2 Corinthians 11:26:  I have been in travels often, perils of rivers, perils of robbers, perils from my countrymen, perils from the Gentiles, perils in the city, perils in the wilderness, perils in the sea, perils among false brothers. We are not living in paradise therefore we must be careful. All of this helped to determine his mission and ensured him the great glory that he has today, because even after two thousand years his word along with  his divinely inspired work continues to admonish (advise) millions of people.  Therefore let us never cause the bad to come into our lives thinking we could manage it. The Lord himself stated, do not tempt your Lord and God when the devil told him to fall down from the highest part of the temple. So then, lead us not into temptation. It is better to prevent than to cure. The way we can prevent is, as long as we have the time let us amass treasure which is imperishable. We will not regret at all for going into silence, and working on the pure (which is perfecting ourselves) because as long as we are in the sanctuary we live sinlessness, we live with God. When I was once part of an organisation, there was a brother there that was saying nice things. Something happened in his life, a serious problem and he immediately took it up against God. I cannot tell you what he said, because there was an obscene amount of vulgarity may it not be! Lord, make us wise, strong, hard working, filled with love so that everything tends to your glory and to people’s salvation and help us that we are not led to temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen.

There was once a dedicated man of God. I say this now for all of us to understand that words are taken by the wind but when we study God’s wisdom in the sanctuary, everything becomes experiential and hands on and something negative or bad has a hard time to find fertile ground in our lives. This man therefore was for many years devoted and living with prayer, study and with God. As such he created a mind of God. After many years a person came from his village and told him, your father has died and to come to his funeral and the man of God laughed saying to him, can my own father die? One meant the physical father and the monk talked about his Spiritual father, God. This is why the Lord said to someone, in Luke 9:60 “Leave the dead to bury their own dead, but you go and announce God’s Kingdom.” God’s logic is one thing and man’s logic is quite another.

Here I will recount one of  my own experiences. I had a spiritual father whose name was Stiliano. Now there are many years since he has been asleep, yet even till now I love him a lot. When my second son Dimitri was born, in our house even to the children we would not say that I am their father. The young children would call me baba (an endearing term one calls their father in Greek), they did not know the word father,  we would say that we are all siblings, brothers and sisters. This is how my children were raised, we had forgotten the worldly terminology, it was not important to us but at that time we had a spiritual person whom we called father and I still call him my spiritual father even though he has slept. When Dimitri went to kindergarten his teacher asked him, Dimitri what is your father’s name? The teacher did not ask what his baba’s name is but what his father’s name is and Dimitri replied, Stiliano. His teacher comes to me and tells me, good day Stiliano how are you? I tell her, my name is not Stiliano. The teacher tells me that this is what Dimitri said. Now what can I explain to the teacher and to the child. I tell the teacher, you know in our family we have a spiritual father whose name is Stiliano and we call him father Stiliano. My children call me baba and he most likely got confused when you asked him his father’s name.  When Dimitri came home I told him Dimitri, I am your father. He said, well baba, you are my baba and besides baba are we not all siblings here?  (this is how I raised them) Our father is it not Stiliano? Is this not what you say? He said. I thought for a little and then I told him, Dimitri you are right, say it as you want, it is the same thing. I said inside me, when he grows up he will understand. Conclusion: Until someone understands certain things, he perceives them differently and acts according to what he has learned.

I will say something for us to laugh. Across from where we lived there was a kindergarten and I would see all the mothers bringing their children crying to school. When it was time for my children to go to school I would tell Roula (who is my wife) as a joke, Roula our children will not go to school, if it’s possible they would be better at home, because I would say that at school they had a lot of games, they say stories, etc. I would say the things they liked. The children would in turn say, no we want to go to school. I would say no, there is no way. They would go to Roula and tell her, mom, we want to go to school. I would say no, there is no way. Roula would then tell them ok you will go secretly. When the day came when they had to go to school, they would get ready secretly. I would act as if I am sleeping. As soon as they would step out of the door, I would “wake up” and I would say loudly, Roula, I don’t think the children went to school. They would hear what I said and they would say to one another run Niko, run Dimitri, father woke up. In this manner I managed to get them to go to school running without crying like the rest of the children.

You know, if we tell someone no, he will say yes and if we say yes then he will say no (opposition). We all have this characteristic from the outset within us and it is called opposition but this develops progress (evolution) and a personality, it is a Godly trait.  Through this we will reach godliness. In the garden of Eden, God deliberately told the first created ones like I told my children since I learned this from God not to eat from the tree of good and bad. Despite all this the first created did eat. Their aof the tree was God’s will for them to learn the good and the bad and for them to become Gods. The no was the opposition and it became the stimulus for the yes to happen. (In other words by telling Adam and Eve no to the tree of life, God knew that it would lead to them wanting to try the tree and eat of its fruit.) It is with this that God started training people. This is how I did it with my children’s school. Let us all understand that this is a game that God carries out with man in order to teach him. Likewise a man of God when he regenerates, has the ability to help many people because he is on a different spiritual level and can help everyone individually because they do not all need the same things. I may need one thing, someone else may need something else and God also something else. The man of God and God himself though, in his manner speaks better, speaks closer to each one’s spirit and his fellow friends and neighbours marvel at his wisdom and his revelations.

24. In the Voice of God we must be aware of whether we have trained (and well prepared) sensors so that in a time of need when melancholy, weariness, or hopelessness come we are able to detect and discern that God has not left us but we have forgotten him, we had abandoned him or we took the wrong path and the reason being is that something surely stole our attention and took us away from our objective. Sadness, a problem, a pain does not come by accident, we through our ignorance have opened the door. This is how we acquired sadness, or whatever else and the reason being is that we went away from God’s wisdom. We took our eyes, our mind, and our heart away from our mission, away from God. God gave to each one of us a mission from the beginning. This mission is to become children of God. Until we achieve it, we do not have time for anything else. My brothers and sisters, do not seek to be liked by the world, seek to be liked by God and the world will like us in turn. Know this, that a man of God is accepted and liked by all. Everyone wants to be with the man of God.

We do not need to convince anyone that we are good, let us become people of God and God will introduce us.  This way we will win over God and the world. We see this even today, when people want to start a family for example, a woman wants to find a man and a man wants to find a woman, so that they will be happy, at least this is what they think, this is how everyone tries to create a family with the worldly spirit. How can this be possible?! After a little while the trouble starts and they reach a point of coexistence where they are enemies under the same roof. Especially today in our time where the Ego has swelled. If only one of them became a person of God and unites with a person who is not of God, then he who is not of God will become of God thanks to his partner simply because they will have something to say that will unite them. Families have as an objective to serve God. If they don’t have the objective to become of God and to partake of His glory, then their existence is meaningless. Let us become a family of God, so that everything becomes God’s. Meaningless as written by Thomas here sounds a bit harsh. The truth is he is right. What does it matter if you create a family, you still die in the end. Death has taken away the family’s meaning. Wouldn’t it be better if we worked on being like God and then building a family where we wouldn’t die but enjoy this family forever?

Someone can not be a little Christian or a former Christian, and someone who is a former Christian does not have the blessing. I once heard from a sister in Christ, a beloved sister who comes to our Sunday bible studies at my home, said the following: A former mayor exists and if he did good works he will be honored, a former prime minister exists and if he did good works will be honored, a former employee exists that if he fulfilled his time of service will be later  honored by being retired, a former Christian can not exist unless he remains a Christian till the end.  God needs to be always living in us and through us for God to honor us eternally, and for us to be honored by God when the fullness of time comes and our education is completed and we will be assured that whatever bad exists in our life today will come to an end.  Sadness or happiness is a delusion in our mind according to our wants but it is not true. Indeed when God comes into our lives despite the fact that nothing else has changed with respect to people or material matters, we feel blessed and we understand how dangerous our wants are without God. I will bring an example. We are fine, we have everything we want yet we are always complaining. A sickness or disease comes along and we run to the doctors and until we are well we keep on saying to ourselves how good we had it and we didn’t know it before. We always give value to something when we lose something that is precious. I will give another example. There was once this person who had a home of 100 square meters (roughly 1100 square feet). He went to a wise person and told him, “please I have three children and we are expecting a fourth, help me purchase a home that is 200 square meters (or 2200 square feet). The wise man replied, “you will listen to me for 2 months and then I will give you the house that you want. The man said, “ok, what do I do?” Today he said, “you will put in your current home 10 chickens”. The next day you will put 4 dogs, the day after you will put an elephant, etc. Every day the wise man told him to put something extra in the house for the next 30 days and when the month is up, to come back to see him. The person asking for the bigger home did what was asked of him and when the month was finished, he went to see the wise man. The wise man asked him, “how are you making out at the house?” The man replied, “ We are dying, the elephant takes up all the room, the chickens cluck day and night, the situation is hopeless. What shall we do now?” “Now” the wise man replied, “You will start each day by removing one animal.” The man started to do as he was told and by the end of the month the house was empty and clean like it was before. The man goes to see the wise man and says, “Ok I took everything out”. The wise man asks, “how are things now?” He replies, “they all left and finally we are living like humans, glory to God.”

We are also well. All that is needed is for us to understand it, to recognize it and to say a thank you from within our heart for all the good that God has given in our lives and for something else which is very significant and very big, He made us into logical beings and we can reach His spiritual level and become sons of God, children of God, image of the invisible God. Christ came to tell us this, that whatever I am, you are also and He showed us the way. A big thank you then to God that we are not animals, nor do we have to be like them because we are socially, intellectually and spiritually greater than them. We are the image of the invisible God and we must start as of today to make the relevant effort until we can stand like gods. May it be amen.

25. In the Voice of God let us understand that whoever has work, food, a home, is rich. If he possesses this and he is not well then let him know that he is far from God even though he says that he knows Him, because other people will be found who without work, without food, without a home will have done far greater works and though they were deprived of the necessities they managed to have a great blessing in their lives without money.  With their dedication they succeeded to glorify god in a large sphere of influence. Since there are people that are able to accomplish so much we can do this also so that we will not feel inferior to them in a time of crisis. We can all do works of love and on top of all this we can also save ourselves, to dedicate ourselves, to stop grumbling, and fill our inner world with God’s spirit. My brothers and sisters let us start from this day forward to observe ourselves. When we walk, let us say thank you Lord that I can walk, because there are many that cannot walk.  When we eat let us say, my God, thank you that I have food, there are many today that do not have and there are many who are sick that cannot taste or eat. When we have a home and we can feel warmth, let us continually say thank you my Lord because there are many that do not have. When we have friends let us say thank you to our friends and to God and let us not try and don’t let ego get in the way where you say that you don’t need anyone and in the end you end up alone, because there are many that don’t even have a friend, and if they have one they do all that they can to lose them, since they smother  him and find only fault in him. If we learn to say thank you in the little, a lot will come to us. It is written, in Matthew 25:21 Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many things. There are many that take a lot of things for granted but the time comes when they lose everything and they cannot overcome it. At last let us remember that God has come into our lives today. Since He has called us let us not let him leave. Why do we want a life without God, without a mission. It is written, in Mark 8:36 For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and forfeit his life? Life has no meaning. There are many who do not see anything past materialism and their own ego. We must remember that life does not consist of what we own, or of large ego, or because the world has raised us high in their consciousness. For someone to have life, to maintain it, and to have mastery over it, other methods are required. God who is a life giving entity, has given us life and we must connect with Him. Once, someone saw a person going hurriedly up a hill early in the morning, and he asked him, where are you going so late at night? The person responded, I am going to the top of the mountain to see where the sun comes from. Unfortunately with the cares (and our daily concerns) we have forgotten the important things and concern ourselves with stupidity. What did one say, what did the other say. The whole mystery hides in Creation. The whole mystery hides within a thought, the whole mystery of life hides in God. The time has come to give life to God in our lives and to love Creation and the things created so that we can all play a positive role to bringing back the man of God back to earth. May it be amen.

26. In the Voice of God we know that whoever does not learn to live in solitude, will never learn to live a normal life or live properly in the world. He will always make the wrong choices in his life and will regret them. Indeed he will always run to catch up to what is supposedly good or what he thinks is good. Conclusion: Whoever does not learn to live by himself in silence with God will chase his friends who will flee from him, he will hunt after theatres, carnivals, dances, everything to be happy thinking that all this adds to his life and happiness. I am not saying that it is not needed. It is all needed but it should not be the only source of life. Whoever hunts for all of this without God, will never truly be entertained since in the end all the wrong will come to him. As a younger man I tried to be happy from all of this but problems were always being created. Everyone must find himself, find it with God and then he can find it with the whole world because he will not be surprised in whatever he comes across. The genes (in our body) understand what true happiness is. We all see when someone is invited to a dance, after 2 hours they feel tired even though they are dancing and it is assumed that they are entertaining themselves yet he cannot feel his legs the next day. A night that he goes out to supposedly entertain himself requires three days of sleep to recover. Whoever learns to live with God in silence, in the sanctuary will experience an indescribable happiness because God will be with him. God will be visiting him and indeed when this person leaves to go out to the world, everyone will be asking him, why do you shine like this today, are you in love?  Whoever wants, let him try it, then he will be able to live with people without anyone chasing him and him  not chasing anyone also. It is a great thing for someone to be happy without any particular reason and without having to run right and left. Whoever runs a lot must also try the brakes. When he presses the brakes he will see that the trip has many surprises. I will give an example. You need to go on a trip, you rush to get ready, you get in the car and you begin to rush to reach  to your destination quickly in order to enjoy it. In this manner, you don’t see anything along the way and at every corner you are in danger of not reaching your destination. Your goal is to quickly reach your destination so that the happiness can begin. When you reach your destination you might meet someone after two or three days and they will be showing you pictures of the same trip you took and while you look at them you ask yourself, I took the same route, how come I didn’t see all of this? The answer is simple, because you didn’t stop. You continually rushed in order to gain time but you lost everything else. The route, the trip has meaning until you reach the end, to life.

27.  In the Voice of God let us know that we do not need more money than what is needed to cover our basic needs. I agree that we must have money and we also need to have a job because the world has been created with man’s logic. This logic is based on money. To buy a piece of candy requires money. This is why a good relationship with the world is essential. We cannot leave from the world. This will only happen in time when some conditions are put in place. Let us know that all of this (meaning money) is necessary until the day comes when the nation of God is created. In this nation, we will not need money because the earth will be blessed and will be able to comfortably feed many times the current population of the earth without effort. One day, God took me to a space that was His throne. It was God’s space. Do you know how many trees I saw, do you know how many beautiful fruits existed, do you know that the fields did not require any tending or upkeep because there were only blessed fruits everywhere? Do you know when earth was filled with wild plants? When Cain killed Abel. From that moment on, the biochemical processes changed everywhere and wild plants grew everywhere and if man wanted to live effort was now required. This is why God told Adam after the fall that effort will be required to live. We see in Genesis 3:17 God saying to Adam, “Because you have listened to your wife’s voice, and ate from the tree, about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ the ground is cursed for your sake. You will eat from it with much labor all the days of your life.

If we come close to God, He will give us abundantly without much effort. Until God’s blessing comes to people and consequently to earth, we want a job only to cover our basic needs such as food and shelter. Our objective is to become people of God. This is our most basic need. Now if someone has more money let him take advantage of the time that he has to study God’s wisdom. Whoever wants more without God in his life will fall into a lot of traps (avarice which is defined as extreme greed for wealth or material gain, is the root of all evil). With avarice a person becomes stingy and a miser and that is not good. It is quite different if a person has money and he manages it with wisdom, gaining time for himself but also helping out his brother. Let us always have in mind the fool in the bible who built new warehouses to store grain yet God came to take his life. Let us not forget him. Today money’s purpose is to enable us to have the time necessary to study Gods. At the same time if we make good use of the money we will partake in God’s glory which contains offering and contribution. The abundance of one serving to the lack of the other. Let us know that in whatever manner we use to make others happy we will also become happy. When someone tries to be happy for himself then he will become unhappy. God’s law of love gives life to man in this manner. The Word of God makes reference in Luke 16:9 to the following: I tell you, make for yourselves friends by means of unrighteous mammon, so that when you fail, they may receive you into the eternal tents.  Some have interpreted this verse as saying to make friends with those who are rich. This verse does not mean that. Besides, which rich person would want a poor person as a friend. As such, being ignorant they try to get into a rich man’s life. Here though it does not say this. It says that if you can, now that you have the money, as much as you have, give love, because the time may come where you will not have and who knows someone to whom you offered money or you gave love to, will remember you.

A lady once told me, I don’t have this, I don’t have that etc. I told her I will give her some money, whatever I have I will give you, but before I give it to you I will ask you a question. Did you  have a job once? Yes she said, my husband and I were earning 6000 euros a month. Fine I said, to how many did you give to when you were well and had money? Immediately her speech came to a halt, she understood what I wanted to say. This is the problem. When we have, whatever we have (be it spiritual or material) we make poor use of it and indeed we manage it with ego. Even the spiritual part we see  how people manage it today, some come pretending that they are wise and acting as if they know it all and everyone else as not and that we have to be their minions. Let us change this today and I don’t mean for us to give our money. Let us start with a good word, because a word has eternal force and reaches God’s throne. It is written, with whatever judgement you judge you will be judged. Let us make sure to do good deeds in the measure that we can. Money is not always necessary, there are other ways. Much money without God creates a lot of pain and a lot of loneliness. I will state briefly what a lot of money does.
1)   First, you feel alone, you don’t have many friends because you see everyone suspiciously.
2)   Second, you lose simplicity and you become very serious, you also lose your humour. You then try to buy an expensive car, you then want to change the furniture, then you choose fine restaurants. Everything just for show yet with a little money you could live just as well. You go to the tavern, you hear your songs and you are joyful.

What does it matter if you have an expensive arm chair or a simple one? Let each one of us consider the significance ego has in our lives, since with this we lose God, we also lose our friends and in the end rich or poor we end up on medication or in the cemetery. For what reason do you want to be rich, if sooner or later death comes? It is one thing if God blesses you and gives you money, then you should use it to increase God’s glory.  When you do this and you properly manage this money then the opportunity is given to you to acquire many friends and many blessings. If you want, believe in what I tell you. The happiest person is the one God has as a friend, works with him and always has a pleasant - entertaining mission. The most unhappy man is the one who is cunning and has no mission from God. Let us learn from today to work and exhaustively strive for the pure. (A little side note here, There is a difference when you read the bible for pleasure or leisure and quite different when you read the bible exhaustively. I will give a very simple example. When the lord teaches his disciples to pray, He tells them to say, Our father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Now for years I took this bread as just a symbol for instruction or as a daily lesson. When I researched it  in the Greek testament though, the word that was used was to arto to epiousio. Which literally translated means the bread that has meaning or has value. What is this bread that has meaning? It is the bread that gives life. The instructions and the guidelines given to us from scripture that sustain, improve and guarantee life. These are the guidelines we should be using every day in everything we do so that our life is prolonged, our happiness is increased, and the room in our body is made clean for the holy spirit to come and live.

 I’ll give a very personal example: here in Canada and especially in Montreal, we have very cold weather sometimes reaching -20 to -30 degrees Celsius or -4 to -22 fahrenheit. One night my x-neighbour, and I will mention him by name because he merits it, named Steve Cohen. I call him ex-neighbour because he has now moved. He was driving in an area where there was a homeless shelter. He noticed that there were people outside with just sweaters and light jackets, he stopped his car and he inquired within why these people are dressed like this only to find out from the the manager who ran the shelter said that they did not have clothes to give them. At this moment Steve made a decision to purchase those who needed coats. He didn’t buy them just any coats but Canada Goose coats which are probably the warmest coats money can buy. $20 000 later everyone was wearing a jacket. Now do you think God did not write somewhere in his little book that he owes Steve a little more bread of life, or do you think God is not grateful for what Steve did that night. One thing is for sure, Steve managed to sell his company a couple of months later to an interested buyer for close to $100 million dollars.  I say this because by the measure you give and read and study God, God will replenish manifold. Give of your money and you will get more, give of your time and study His word and He will come and inhabit with you as well as give you life.

By studying goodness and bringing it into our lives, we will bring God into our lives. He will give us a mission and consequently we will be chosen as elected vessels for His glory and for the world’s salvation. The happiness that will come when we work for the good on a daily basis will increase and become God’s happiness, eternal and infinite happiness. The happiness that can change the biochemical processes of the mind and direct them to eternal life. The cunning person dissects everything crookedly and is always offending or being offended. With wickedness he creates within him a lot of dead ends and always brings hell within him. Let me explain, dead ends means that all doors to him are shut down, there is no opportunity for him to succeed and this causes friction and turmoil to be continually present within him. Thomas says that a cunning and or wicked person lives in hell. We ask ourselves how can we defeat wickedness? It is quite simple by always working the pure thoroughly. The manner? By increasing in God’s spirit, whatever we say and whatever we listen to, to do it in the spirit of goodness. Wicked is the person who listens without someone talking to him, he moves close to people talking so he may overhear their conversations.  He will always think in the wrong way and will make mistakes in interpreting whatever he hears. A wicked person will speak without someone having given him the floor to speak and always jumps ahead. In other words putting the cart ahead of the horse.  For us not to become cunning, we must speak when we are asked and listen into conversations only when our name is being referenced.  Then and only then will wickedness not have any power over us. Wickedness always hides behind interests. Wickedness could be demonstrated by a simple example, let’s say we are somewhere and we hear that someone does not have money, instead of helping we are indifferent, this is wickedness. Another example is when we hear that someone said something about us, we immediately let the evil tells us to respond by saying this or that. May it not be! Let’s be careful because in doing so we will make many mistakes. May it not be. Amen.

28. In the Voice of God, let us understand that when we find ourselves in a space like our home or at work or wherever and someone is continually making noise, talks loudly or is screaming,  has anger or wants to be the leader, then we can also make our own noise which will positively shake up the mind of him who is screaming. The way we will do it is by silence, because the noise that will come from silence will create regeneration. And if the noise from the other side is happening every day then we can be quiet every day. Let us not open a dialogue with the devil because it will never end.  We have the right to leave that space (or area) if it is needed and we can not take it anymore. Otherwise silence and patience. In the end we will win. In Luke 21:19 it says “By your endurance you will win your lives and in Matthew 24:13 it says But he who endures to the end, the same will be saved. May it be amen.

29. In the Voice of God lets us understand that our whole life will pass in front of us twice. The first time is when we will be grown up and we have time to think about it. I hope that when that time or moment comes where we take an account of our lives, it will end up being a success for all of us and not a failure. Failure can only happen when in the lifetime that we have, God is not a part of it. As long as we live it is never too late. Today we can delete everything with repentance (repentance equals delete) and then with regeneration we can make a new life. God will not recall our mistakes or our sins, all it takes is for our repentance to be big and immediately our every mistake will be removed from the books of heaven.

The second time our life will pass in front of us is at the judgement of the living and the dead. I hope that the heaven’s libraries where everything is recorded we have done good works. Every person, with every day of their lives writes a page and the angels collect it and store it in the heaven’s libraries. Now when a person has matured and reached his end then those pages get attached in a book and this book remains until the day of the Lord. Imagine in front of God when this book unfolds our good works, what breaths of life we will be taking and when our bad works will be revealed we will want the earth to open up and swallow us in. May it not be! This is why today that we have the time let us gather imperishable treasure. And let us not regret any good work that we have done, ever because this is the ticket to God’s Kingdom. Amen.

30. In the Voice of God let us understand that whatever we may give, it is nothing compared to what God gives us each day. It is good for us to also offer when we can and whatever we can because this is how we show our origins which are God’s. Giving or offering (whatever you may call it) brings with it righteousness, it is God. With giving we become Gods. Let us become one embrace (or one big hug) We all have something to offer. Understand that human righteousness demands (I gave you - you gave me). God’s righteousness though is different, it only gives. Righteous is the one who gives mercy all day. This righteous one is quickly saved. Where will those who live with sin, ego, hypocrisy, lies, and with the generally bad live? In the book Wisdom of Sirach, I read that the righteous one gets covered by God. How does he get covered? The way he gets covered is with incorruptibility. Let’s ask ourselves, why lose incorruptibility? It is easier to become righteous. The world wants us and teaches us from a young age to go through each day with a “everything for me” mentality and to never give anything. Now we are not saying to give everything but something, starting from a good word, and having a big embrace for everyone. The more people our embrace can hold the better it is for us because with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged (Matthew 7:2).

31. In the Voice of God know this, if we try to make our brother happy or joyful then we will be happy also. If we try to make ourselves happy by taking advantage of others then we will have no relationship with God and sadness or bitterness will become our daily nature even if we study God’s word. We reach to the following conclusion: If we struggle for our brother or sister or friend not to die then simply put we will not die. It is written: whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged (Matthew 7:2).

32. In the Voice of God we know that God gave His life as a ransom for many. The time has come for us also to become a ransom for others, for our family, for our friends, as well as being servants.  Christ Himself came to earth and said, the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28. It is quite something for God to serve us. God does not want rulers but servants. Let us become servants and let us not regret the service we give to whichever brother. The service that we give in order to provide happiness is the key that will take us to heaven. The way? With sacrifice. Whoever gets into the kingdom, will acquire the common name that is talked about in the Book of Revelations. This common name is sacrifice. There will not be a shareholder or partaker of the kingdom without sacrifice. Let us not have regret for whatever good that we do or did. In order to go to a concert or the theater we need a ticket. Let us make sure that our ticket will be capable of placing us in the front row, close to God’s throne. Let us do the good with the knowledge that the day will come that God will resurrect it and we will be glad because it is this good work that will be the reason for us to live with God. Let us not be stingy in anything. If we spend a lot for our well being (say entertainment food, clothing, cars etc) then sometimes we can also support others a lot. It is written, the abundance of one to complete the lack of the other. Whatever Christ did, let us do the same, not exactly to his measure because His love was without measure. We in the measure that we can, let us do only good and let us not forget that the root of all bad is avarice (otherwise known as extreme greed). Amen.

33. In the Voice of God, we must understand that we are not just living for ourselves, for like minded people or just for our relatives. The Lord says in Luke 6:32, if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. Let us not try to have everything revolve around us, this shows a lot of me (ego). In the Voice of God let us learn to live for God and for our brother (or sister) as if we were a family. God’s family has a future. This is the only way our life can be worthy. My siblings we are bought with His blood, in other words, Christ has paid for all our sins and the reason He did this is for us to be free and not slaves of not only sin, but to people, to bodily corruption, to death. All we have to do is invest a little time to find the way. If we find the time and engage ourselves with God we will see that His company is so good that our time with Him will not be enough. Having God as our friend multiplies our happiness. My brothers and sisters, our religion in the Voice of God has two laws. The first is to love God with all our heart, with all our souls and with all our minds and the second is to love our neighbour as ourselves. This is the new world religion. Only this religion will have a future. All the other laws played a role until we understood these two laws. It is certain that all other laws will be abolished and in the end the one remaining will be love for God and for our fellow man. If we apply these two laws we will see that all the others are not needed. If we don’t apply them then the human race will pass through Clashing rocks. May it not be! (Here Thomas is referencing the clashing rocks in the myth of Jason and the Argonauts. They were large stones in the ocean which would open and close continually and would not allow any ship to go through). I believe that if God promised to bombard this world with His wisdom, then it will be as He promised and His wisdom will embrace all. Amen.  

These my brothers and sisters in brief are the tenets that the Voice of God abides by. All these reveal the Gospel of the Kingdom. These are briefly all the spiritual experiences found in the Voice of God which the Father revealed to us and we now work towards to fulfilling them. I believe that all these admonitions or should I call them strong counsel will only and completely be enjoyed, understood  and integrated in one’s life by those who are fans of solitude and the sanctuary. My brothers and sisters, understand this, the silence and or solitude that we must have or must put as a collateral for God’s wisdom will create in us great strengths.

These two objectives (solitude and God’s wisdom) will bring us great happiness, they will give life to the spirit and the body. These two create a willingness and an appetite for life, they refine whatever reconciliation with ourselves, with our friends, and with our enemies. It is necessary that the sanctuary and our reconciliation with God is carried out on a daily basis and the reason being is that we ensure and secure God’s mind and self sufficiency. Silence along with God’s wisdom and the regenerative teachings of the Voice of God will educate us in love and will grant us modesty in the spirit and in the body. Every serious person who seeks this path to God eventually chooses and accepts this modesty. 

The rebirth in God which is created in the sanctuary is the most comprehensive and I would say the most effective workshop for self-awareness. And as people say, "If you know the whole the world then surely you know a lot. But if you know yourself then you have learned everything. "

My brothers and sisters if we observe everyone throughout all of human history that consciously concerned themselves with God in silence, in other words all those reclusive or monastic people that chose God, had and still have a lot of God. God traveled them through the centuries even after their death. If someone at the beginning of our spiritual life judges us as being problematic and monastic or lonely people because we are interested in God, since we chose silence and solitude let them not bother us. Let’s just answer by saying that we want to be like God and this is why we study God in silence and in the sanctuary.  God has few but well chosen friends. Naturally He loves the whole world as it states in 1 Timothy 2:4, who desires all people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth. But He only trusts the few that do His will, it says in John 15:14 You are my friends, if you do whatever I command you. The people who cannot enter in silence, in the sanctuary will surely act as if they know it all, they will despise everything and they will mock everyone.  They will run around all day to enjoy the pleasures of life and they will be continually shuffled in many and endless discussions  which are full of nonsense, profanity, wickedness, various chatter ending with groups that do not have what to say.

I see today what everyone does. At night they watch television and they talk about it as news the next day, but the others were watching the same thing yet it does not dawn upon that everyone knows this news. The people of God though when they meet, they have a lot to say and the happiness can be seen in their eyes, since they are in love with God and God with them. My brothers and sisters the time has come for all of us to live the great love of our lives with God. This is called Godly love. The word Thomas uses for love in Greek is erota. Erota is the love between two people who are attracted to each other. It is the type of love that keeps you up at night, wakes you up in the morning, puts butterflies in your stomach etc. This is the love we should experience with God.  Now if human love or erota is the reason why we are happy, then imagine what Godly erota means and what kind of happiness it can give us. What does it mean for God to be greeting us, for God to be talking to us? This erota along with our love towards God will find a connection and our life will gain meaning. We will be walking and our lips as well as our eyes will be showing that we truly are laughing and our eyes will be on fire - spiritually on fire full of Christ’s light and will be shining from happiness, from euphoria, from God, from life.  The time has come for us to leave behind the sick, pathogenic relationships and irritations or excuses that are born from sin and this world. When we develop bad relationships we also have bad moods. These bad relationships and bad moods can be easily seen and they suffocate and distance the people of God and God Himself. Today that we have the time let’s enter into communion with God by being properly spiritually and bodily attired. The indecent spiritually and bodily clothed people will enter into the bottomless pit. May it not be! 

The time has come for all us to ensure not only faith but love in life, in the Father - God, in our Christ, in the Holy Spirit. These two, (faith and love) are our two hands, they are our two wings that have the power to fly us to God’s throne.  Faith energized by love. Faith molds the mind and leads every one of our efforts. Active faith successfully confronts whatever difficulty we may encounter in our spiritual struggle. All obstacles give way when confronted with the tenacity and the strength of determination of this type of faith that is called living faith. This is the faith that enhances and makes permanent our inner fullness and spiritual euphoria. Living faith is an active state. Through experiences, wisdom is acquired as well as trust in God which are all important elements for spiritual fulfillment. Through them a conscious communication can be created between a person and God within the realm of happiness, love and life. The existence of a fulfilled faith makes it harder for any adversity or difficulty to shock us and at the same time it strengthens and protects our inner happiness and euphoria.

Love is now our most important work on it we will base whatever investment we make. We must continually seek to acquire it so that we may always be in an elevated spiritual state.  The power of Divine love is special and unique. Love is the power that connects everything in the universe. It is the power that works against disintegration and self-destruction. It sustains the universe. It holds the electrons close to the nucleus. It connects the body’s cells to create different organs. It coordinates the functions of various body systems into a unified and harmonious whole. It expresses itself as gravity to keep the moon in orbit around the Earth, the Earth around the sun, the sun around the center of the galaxy, etc .. With love we stand tall above problems, above  passions and weaknesses, and above all the negative elements that cause spiritual confusion or downfall. Our inner world gets filled from joy and happiness. Love strengthens us because on the one hand love’s power creates unity and continuous regeneration, it eradicates every element in the mind that causes disharmony and decay and on the other hand it creates a spiritual uplift because its unifying and harmonious nature penetrates and fills the brain cells with juices of life into activating them up to 100% from the 6% average that their energy is at today.

The human heart is molded exclusively with love because it was made from love. In the oceans of Christ’s love where He gave his life as a ransom for many, there exists the most ideal environment for man’s heart when he understands Christ’s sacrifice. Love keeps us warm, love keeps us alive, love regenerates us. The essence of man’s nature is love and the quest to become love. It introduces us to a constant spiritual euphoria because it gradually brings us back to the normal structure and balance of the spirit with the body which is perfection.

Every conflicting state or situation which moves away from love cannot replace or set aside  the natural dispersion caused by spiritual euphoria because the mind that is regenerated from this love cannot be infected by anything. The propagating power of love (if we can comprehend it) is the greatest power that existed and exists in the universe. It is God Himself and there is nothing stronger or above Him.  Until we become love, we will pass through many stages, since God becomes our teacher and educates us. The degree that we receive is with God’s sign and seal and upon it is written Love. Love brings happiness, brings inner fulfillment and euphoria, and according to the Lord’s words brings life. Have love therefore in God, happiness in life, life in happiness in the Lord. May it be amen.

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